One person is below and above ten thousand people. One person is called the Son of Heaven; ten thousand people are called hundreds of officials. Mostly refers to ministers with high status and power.
When one person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. This is a legend about Liu An, King of Huainan in Han Dynasty, and his family ascending to heaven. It is later used to describe a person who becomes powerful, and everyone related to him or her will also become prosperous. How ironic.
One person spreads the rumor, and thousands of people spread the truth. It is not true at all, but because there are many people who spread the legend, everyone believes it to be true.
An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, as the saying goes. It means that time is very precious and must be cherished.
Ten years to sharpen a sword, Tang Jia Dao's poem "The Swordsman": "Ten years to sharpen a sword, but the frost blade has never been tested. Today, the sword looks like a king, who is unfair?" Later, "Ten years of sharpening a sword has never been tried. "Sword" is a metaphor for years of hard training.
Thousands of people who are docile are not as valuable as one person who is admonishing.
It takes a thousand days to gather firewood and burn it in one day. It is also called "a thousand days of gathering firewood and burning it in one day". ①A metaphor for long-term struggle and once successful. ②It is a metaphor for saving money at ordinary times and spending it once.
The skin of a thousand sheep is not as good as the armpit of a fox. It is a metaphor that many fools are not as good as one wise person.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is a metaphor that things always start from scratch and are completed step by step. Quote from "Laozi": "A nine-story platform starts from tired soil; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
A thousand-mile embankment breaks out of an ant nest. A thousand-mile long embankment often breaks out of an ant nest. And collapse. It is a metaphor that small things will lead to big disasters if you are not careful. "Han Feizi·Yu Lao" in the Chinese language version: "A dike a thousand feet high will collapse with the nests of ants, and a room a hundred feet high will be burned by smoke from the cracks."
Sending goose feathers thousands of miles away is a metaphor for a meager gift but deep affection.
Marriage of a thousand miles is tied by a thin thread. It is said that the marriage of husband and wife is destined, and the old man under the moon secretly tied it with a red thread. The words come from Li Fuyan of Tang Dynasty, "Xuanxuanguailu: Engagement Shop".
People who are fed food from thousands of miles away will feel hungry. It is said that food from afar does not explain hunger in the near future.
A fur coat worth a thousand gold cannot be made from the armpit of a fox. A fur coat worth a thousand gold cannot be made from the armpit skin of a fox. It is a metaphor that only by accumulating small things can one become big, and only by gathering everyone's strength can things be accomplished.
A thousand armies are easy to obtain, but a general is hard to find. It is said that generals are rare.
Seeing once is not as reliable as hearing something a thousand times.
One thousand hammers beat the gong, and one final word is a metaphor for expressing a decisive opinion in a situation where there are different opinions.
The "Hanshu·Zhang Shi's Biography" states: "Shi Zhi has finished his dynasty, because the preface is easy to do. Emperor Wen said: 'Be humble, there is no very high theory, so that it can be done today. Yeah. '" This means to talk more about what is feasible at present and not to make too high a point. It is later used to express general opinions without anything unique.
The greedy and insufficient nature of a person is like a snake trying to swallow an elephant.
The human heart is separated from the belly. It means that it is difficult to guess the human mind.
Seventy-year-old people have been rare since ancient times. It is said that living a long life is not easy.
People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of getting fat. Pigs will be slaughtered when they get fat. It is a metaphor that people will get into trouble when they become famous.
People feel refreshed when happy events happen. People feel happy when happy events happen.
The world appreciates the late sunshine. Li Shangyin of the Tang Dynasty wrote the poem "Wate Clear": "God's will pity the grass, and the world cherishes the late sunshine." This originally meant that people cherished the late sunny weather, but later it was often used as a metaphor for respecting respected seniors in society. .
There is wine today and I will be drunk today. It is also called "There is wine today and I will be drunk today". If there is wine today, drink it today. Metaphor: only seeking immediate pleasure.
Using the heart of a villain to read the belly of a gentleman. The Chinese version of "Zuo Zhuan·The Twenty-eighth Years of Duke Zhao" "It turns out that the belly of a villain is the heart of a gentleman." Later modified, it was used to refer to some people using their own despicable or despicable psychology to speculate on the mind of a person with noble character.
Use Zi's spear to attack Zi's shield. The phrase "Han Feizi·Nan Yi" comes out. It is a metaphor for using the other party's words, methods or shortcomings to refute or attack the other party.
Taking the world as one's own responsibility and taking the rise, fall and chaos of the country as one's own responsibility.
Use your dimness to make others aware. Use your vague understanding to make others understand.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth comes from the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot." It means using the same means or methods. Fight back.
The benevolent see it as benevolence, the wise see it as wisdom. The benevolent see it and say it is benevolence, the wise see it and say it is wisdom. It means that people have different views on the same thing.
When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. It means that when enemies meet each other, they are extremely angry.
Turn hostility into friendship means turning war into peace or fighting into friendship.
Let the wind and waves rise and sit firmly on the fishing boat. It is a metaphor for being confident and unwavering no matter what dangerous situation you encounter.
Buddha is like gold, people are like clothes. Proverb. It means that the brilliance of Buddha statues depends on the coating of gold, and the beauty of human figures depends on clothing.
The Buddha is one foot high, the devil is one foot high. It was originally a Buddhist warning to practitioners to be wary of external temptations. Buddha refers to Buddhism; Demon refers to magic. Later, it was used to describe the growth of one party's power (mostly justice), while the opposing force (mostly injustice) doubled in size.