Well rope binding method of armed police force

The way to bind prisoners with ropes, the escort binding method you mentioned, is mainly used when there are many escorts in China and the possibility of encountering the enemy is relatively small. But after tightening the binding arm, you can't bind your wrist. The end of the rope is tied tightly at the back of the neck.

The advantage of this is that the captive's hands can move in a small range, but they can't resist violently. If it's a long-distance escort, you can ask him to take off his pants. ...

The disadvantage is that his hands can move after all. ...

The way to secretly escort and bind prisoners is simple. Tie the rope tightly to the prisoner's waist, and then tie the two ends of the rope to the natural drooping position on both sides of the body. Finally, fix the rope and tie it around your waist. ...

The advantage is that the appearance is inconspicuous and it is not easy to find in the distance, but the prisoner's body is easily unbalanced and unnatural when walking.

A figure-of-eight beam has a rope loop on each side and crosses at the back to form a figure-of-eight. It's easy to tie it tighter and tighter ... but the rope is fast and can quickly and effectively stop the prisoner's struggle.