Which kind of peach blossom is the most prosperous in the meridian?
In the meridians of the eight characters, the nature of the four peach blossoms is the same, no matter which peach blossom is weak or which peach blossom is prosperous; Four hours at noon, Mao and you at noon, is the time for Yin and Yang to make friends. It is yang before midnight and yin after midnight; It is morning before noon, which is yang, and afternoon is noon, which is yin; Shi Mao is just before and after sunrise. It is cloudy before sunrise and sunny after sunrise. You's just before and after sunset. It is sunny before sunset and cloudy after sunset. When yin and yang blend, it is the most appropriate method for men and women to copulate with yin and yang, and it is also the time when the probability of copulation between men and women is the greatest. Therefore, in the eight-character numerology, it is recognized that Zi, Wu, Mao and You are peach blossoms.
People with peach blossoms in the eight characters indicate that it is easier to form a certain temptation to the opposite sex. The more peach blossoms, the more heterosexual predestination.
Why is the afternoon fire a real peach blossom?
According to the fate of the eight characters, the person who ordered the fire was born with a peach blossom in the afternoon, so it is said that the afternoon fire is a real peach blossom, the female life is Wuwu, and the male life is Bingzi. Life is the fire in Wuwu, the male belongs to Yang Xi Yin, and life is the water in Bingzi, and the yin and yang are smooth. Therefore, men get C children, and there are many beautiful women in their lives. Women get 50-50, and there are many beautiful men in life. And men get more women in love, women get C, and more men pick and seduce.