To say such a thing, the background is certainly not simple. Wang Jianlin was a soldier in his early years and later went to sea to do business. His father is also a soldier, Wang Sicong is a rich second generation, and Wang Jianlin is red generation. There's nothing wrong with that.
Wang Sicong can be said to be the overlord of the entertainment circle, and few people dare to offend him. This prince is the king of girls. Don't underestimate him. He is good at picking up girls. There is no unattainable woman like him, and countless people want to marry him. It is not easy to marry him.
What happened recently between Wang Sicong and Sun Yining can now be regarded as speculation. Wang Jianlin said that his son supported his business for several times, but what about Xiao Cong?
After several failures, he finally chose to take the road of entertainment. Maybe this road suits him. He also made a lot of money on this road. With a strong background and fame, he has also gained a firm foothold in the entertainment circle, and his girlfriends are very beautiful.
20 1 19 years10.4, Wang Sicong owed10.50 billion yuan, which was listed as the executor by the Beijing People's Court and became an "old slacker". At this moment, a mysterious figure appeared. This is Lin Ning. Lin Ning is Wang Jianlin's wife and Wang Sicong's mother. This Lin Ning is well known.
Lin Ning's father is Lin Lianzhang, a senior colonel from Hebei. 1935 participated in the revolution, participated in many wars and won high honors. He is not an ordinary person, but belongs to the founding general. He has a good relationship with Wang Jianlin's father. I guess Wang Jianlin and Lin Ning ordered a young marriage from their father.
Lin Ning is also the chairman of Lam Group, which is not simple! At that time, Wang Sicong was in trouble, and so was his father Wang Jianlin's company. At that time, Lin Ning helped Wang Jianlin by selling jewelry and real estate, and this woman helped two people at the same time.
Simply put, whether Wanda or Wang Sicong, their success is inseparable from this woman. Without this woman, there is no Wanda today. This woman is not only flexible in business, but also comes from a military family. She is Hong Miao and the red generation. Her life experience is one of Wang Jianlin's best experiences. This woman is not only a good wife, but also a lovely child. She gave up her career several times for Wang Sicong and devoted herself to being a good parent.
Wang Jianlin is really blessed to get such a wife. When Wang Jianlin became the richest man, many people told Lin Ning that he could be a rich wife. Lin Ning doesn't care. She is rich, but this lady keeps a low profile. She doesn't do much publicity and rarely gives interviews to the media.
The business empire laid by Wang Jianlin and his wife cannot be separated from anyone. Without one party, it is impossible to have today's achievements. Wang Sicong is their crystallization and naturally has his wisdom. Rainbow Sicong didn't have to work hard at all, because they were already standing on the ceiling, and it was impossible to break through. Wang Jianlin and Lin Ning can only hope that Xiao Cong will be happy, and they don't expect him to make any great achievements, because their family's money is already gone.
Is the poor, ambitious, rich as long as their children are happy, they are not short of money, so Wang Sicong, not ordinary people, can be born in such a family, it is not simple, there must be something extraordinary.