Your son's numerology is not JOE, Wu Geng, Wu Geng and Bingzi. How should I bring this, and
1, the bow of the arrow was in the sun, and the arrow hurt itself. One arrow died at the age of three, two at the age of six, and three at the age of nine.
Bows stay in the sun, bows and arrows are used for pleasure, or they are afraid of hurting themselves. Bows and arrows are idle people and hurt their six relatives.
The bow of the moon branch hurts the brother, the moon branch hurts himself, and the brother or six relatives are idle.
The bow of the year hurts parents and elders, and hurts six parents.
Bow will hurt people in the Universiade, and will use God to hurt six relatives in the Universiade.
Obviously, fighting poison with poison is the order of the great murderer. Who told you that? Either he didn't understand it or he did it on purpose.