Summary: 1 general past 2 general present 3 general future 4 past progress 5 past future 6 past completion 7 present progress 8 present completion.

1 General past: a long time ago, before, last year/month/week ... just now.

General present: every day/year/month ..., often, sometimes.

General future: Yes, next year/month/some day.

4 past continuous tense: adverbial clauses guided by when /while are generally used in the past continuous tense, at six o'clock yesterday. ...

5 Past tense and future tense: mostly used in indirect speech, the main clause is past tense, and its clause changes from will to would accordingly.

6. Past perfect tense: past time-like statements guided by by, before, at, till, etc.

Now, look and listen, at ... o'clock.

Now perfect: just now, already, however, serious, before, in the past/past few years, ever, never, because, for.