What are the birth dates of a girl born at 00:05 on the second day of the tenth lunar month in 2012?

Gender: Female

October 15, 2012 at 0:05 on the Gregorian calendar


October 10, 2012 on the lunar calendar Day on the second day of the lunar month






Among the four pillars and horoscopes, the sum of those with the Sun Stem, the same type of Sun Stem and the birthday stem is 3.000

Among the four pillars and horoscopes, the sum of those with the Sun Stem, the Sun Stem and the Sun Stem being restrained is 5.674


Among them: Wood 1.080, Fire 1.060, Earth 1.000, Gold 2.000, Water 3.534

Sun Lord Gengchen (gold life) has all five elements, with gold and earth as the gods of joy.

The name should be based on the radicals of gold and earth or the character of the attribute.