Triangular rotation type
Stand with your feet naturally apart; Inhale deeply, lift your arms parallel to the ground, straighten your knees, turn your right foot 90 degrees and your left foot 60 degrees. Exhale, turn left on the upper body, bend down the trunk, and put your right hand between your feet; The right arm and the left arm are in a vertical line, and the eyes are on the fingertips of the left hand. Stretch the shoulder and scapula 10 ~ 30 seconds; Inhale, first close your hands, then your torso, and finally your feet. And then move in the other direction.
Fish style
Lie flat with your legs straight and close together. Inhale, arch your back, lift your torso off the ground, put your chest on it, raise your head and gently press your head to the ground. Keep your arms straight and crossed, and lift your feet off the ground at the same time.
Camel style
Take a kneeling position, with your feet apart, your knees bent at right angles and your shoulders tilted back until your left arm is straight. Touch your left ankle with your left hand, straighten your right arm backwards, tilt your head back and hold your chest out.
Cat bow back type
Kneel down, sit your hips on your heels, keep your upper body upright, put your hands on your legs naturally, and relax your shoulders and arms. Lift your hips, kneel on your knees, and hold your hands shoulder-width apart. Inhale, look up, tuck in, and tilt your hips. Hold for 5 ~ 10 second. Exhale, bow your head, arch your spine and arch your back for 5 ~ 10 seconds.
Shoulder-swinging style
Sit with your legs apart, your right foot on the root of your right thigh and your left foot on the root of your left thigh. Keep your back straight, lift your arms up and overlap your head. Chest out, shoulders open. Keep your back straight, tilt your head to the left, try to keep your left elbow close to the floor and your right elbow pointing to the ceiling. Stand up.
bridge type
Lie on your back on the floor with your back on the ground, open your arms, put your hands behind your head, and slowly lift your hips off the ground. Keep your thighs straight, your heels off the ground, stand on tiptoe, tuck in your abdomen and keep breathing naturally.
Supine leg lift
Lie flat to the left, put your left hand on your head, tuck in your abdomen, keep your left knee at a 90-degree angle, keep your right hand in front of you, and keep your right leg straight in front of your hips. Keep your legs above your hips for 2 seconds and slowly lower 10 cm.