Injured officials hold talents and look at heavy things, because I was born and it is a manifestation of life talent, but it needs to be strong, otherwise it will be consumed. Wounded officials represent eloquence, revolution, broad interests and disobedience. But it is not suitable for officials to disclose, and most of them are suitable for culture, education, science and technology to engage in technical work or make a living by themselves.
If the moon allows the injured officer to use his strength and gain wealth, then the injured officer can drain his body and make money, which is the same as the truth of the god of food. At this time, it is necessary for the fortune star not to be evil, not to grab and not to merge, depending on the location. The moon makes the wounded official use the spirit, and the weak official uses the seal to help him. This method can kill two birds with one stone. Imprinting is the correct method of reverse use, and helping the body is the need of the Japanese Lord. This is the design of the wounded official. At this time, the seal star can also be used, so it can kill two birds with one stone to stop the injury and help the body. I'm afraid that the fortune star will give me a bad impression. As long as the fortune seal doesn't interfere, both of them can serve the injured official. Or an official who is injured by evil and has no money, and the injury can be suppressed. The party who has evil and has no money is similar to the method of fighting poison with poison, and the above is qualified.
There is an old saying: "When an official is injured, he will recover his wealth, and wealth will be exchanged for being an official. If the four pillars are not exposed, there is no doubt that they are rich. " "Wounding an official is the most disgusting thing in a year, but it will not prolong life if it is serious. If you harm an official, you will make money, and the money is not as good as it is. " "The wounded officer recovered his wealth, and his temperament was just clear and magnificent. Even if the ancestral property is not divided, they will wait for the jade to fall from the sky. " Under normal circumstances, people who make money by eating are more practical, and often do whatever it takes or even do whatever it takes to achieve economic goals. Because this kind of person is realistic, he will adapt to the trend of society and seize the opportunity to make money. So it's easy for people with this kind of life to get rich.
It is a positive pattern to hurt officials and make a fortune, and a woman's life is also a noble person.
If you hurt officials and make money, don't avoid printing, but you should separate printing from money and print it on the time column to avoid printing money with the palace.
For example, male, born on March/970 1 1 day, ugly.
Partial wealth hurts officials.
Dried dates: Geng Xu, Chen Geng, and Bing Yin are ugly (Qi Hai)
Departure: order the owner to depart 6 years, 8 months and 28 days 14 hours after birth.
Delivery: Gregorian calendar1977065438+1October14th at 03: 08.
Cai Zheng is biased towards officials, and the official is biased towards printing.
Universiade: Xinsi, Renwu, Guangxi, Yiyou, Bing Xu, Dinghai and Woods.
Age: 7 years old 17 27 37 47 57 67 77
From:197719871997 2007 2017 2027 2037 2047.
Jia Xu bing yin is ugly and has a heart.
A and C are the same, and the official position is injured by this gas. Jia mu gave birth to a fire, making money for hurting officials. Jin Xin's seal reveals that C can't cross the hydrate of Xin, and the seal of wealth is not hindered, so the pattern is established.
Generally speaking, the injured official is the star of wisdom and spirit, and the eight characters of making money by hurting an official generally rely on eloquence, skill and reputation to obtain wealth and reward. For example, teachers, actors, program hosts, engineers, senior white-collar workers in enterprises, salespeople, etc. Many of them are the mode of making money for injured officials. The god of food is a lucky star to eat, not a lucky star. The mode of making money by a god of food is generally to get paid by investing or to get wealth by operating. Many entrepreneurs, businessmen, financial managers, financial bank service personnel, are the pattern of God of Food making money.
People who hurt officials' way of making money, people who hurt officials' way of making money, and people who rely on professional knowledge to eat. Be good at making money and engaging in some illegal activities. Such as opening hotels, dance halls, casinos, bathing and other illegal operations. There are businesses that shelter evil people from evil practices, and there are also disgraceful businesses. If the right business is suitable for production and processing, it has strong liquidity and strong brains.