If you want to impose a crime, why bother?
"Zuo Zhuan. "The Tenth Year of Duke Xi" contains: In the spring of the tenth year, Di defeated Wen, and Su Zi had no faith. Su Zi rebelled against the king, that is, Di, but he could not fight with Di. The people of Di attacked him, but the king did not save him, so he was destroyed. Su Zi rushed to the guard. In the fourth month of summer, Duke Zhou's father-in-law and his prince party met with Qi Xipeng to establish him as Marquis of Jin. The Marquis of Jin killed Rick to say so. When Rick was about to be killed, the envoy said to him, "A bastard is not as good as this. Although, isn't it difficult for a son to kill two kings and a big man, and become a prince?" He said to him, "If there is no dethronement, how can the king be prosperous?" If you want to impose a crime, do you have any excuse? I heard the order and died with my sword.