One is the situation of hurting officials and being weak. In this case, the fate of the Lord is a bit weak outside, hoping to cover up the inner weakness with superficial strength. From the point of view of numerology, the best way to solve the problem of injuring officials in this situation is to use the seal star, because the seal star can not only help the weak body, but also restrict the injury of officials who are on the high side, killing two birds with one stone.
Judging from the five elements, the official injury is gold, and the star seal is fire; If the injured official is soil, the star seal is wood; Injuring an official is a fire, then printing a star is water; If the official injury is wood, the star seal is gold; Injuring an official is water, then printing a star is soil.
However, in the final analysis, the quality of marriage still needs two people to manage it carefully. At the same time, people with conditions can transfer by wearing mascots, and the effect is good. If you want to make your luck better, you can customize a mascot for yourself one-on-one in official website, Zhou Jia, Red Rope. The scheduled time of Red Rope Zhou Jia is still uncertain. If there is no arrangement, you can wait.