Li Bian is a very bad karmic emperor. He lost his parents when he was very young. Later, he was adopted by his father and became a member of the Xu family. At one time, he and Xu Zhixun were brothers, but after Xu Zhixun's father died, their brotherly relationship changed. Xu Zhixun's father, Xu Wen, is a general of the State of Wu. At that time, after Xu Wen's death, Li Bian seized the military power of the Xu family with his years of military achievements and prestige.
Later, Li Bian fought in the north and established himself in the later Tang Dynasty. At this time, Li Bian also became the king of a country. At that time, Xu Zhixun became a little dangerous in his eyes. After all, he got rich by taking the relieving of the Xu family. This Xu Zhixun is also a very talented person. If Xu Zhixun intends to seize power, then his own country will be handed over to others. So Li Bian gave a glass of poisoned wine, but in order not to get suspicious, Li Bian also exchanged a few pleasantries, saying that he would live to 1000 years old, that is, casually.
It turned out that Xu Zhixun knew that his brother doubted himself, and there seemed to be something in his mouth. He suspected that the wine was poisonous, so he gave half to his brother. When Li Bian heard Xu Zhixun, he was also moved and proposed a circus.