Generally speaking, Teddy's hair was the curliest when he was a child, especially on his head, ears and tail. His limbs are relatively uncomfortable and curly, and his body is generally curly.
Marketing says the bigger the eyes, the purer. Personally, I think it's fake, because the most traditional Teddy eyes are apricot, and later the big eyes are all made up of various genes.
Of course, a uniform color is necessary. Miscellaneous hair is generally caused by heredity, and there are also some dietary reasons.
So, judging whether Teddy is pure or not, according to marketing, is that what I said above? Those guys.
Besides, about the price of Teddy:
Teddy usually has many colors: brown, red, champagne, gray, black and white, etc. Our champagne coffee is relatively expensive because it is gray.
Teddy's body shape generally includes: teacups, toys, mini labels, and so on; Teacups are the smallest and most expensive, and medium ones are the cheapest.
Generally, Teddy has a teacup (:48 cm), and my target figure is that Teddy's shoulder height is around 10 months, because the dog's figure is set at 10 months, so you can't see the figure unless it is 10 months now. And judge the body shape by measuring the shoulder height.
PS Teddy is the second cleverest pet. He has a uniform skin color and a good figure, so he is well raised. He is clever, can learn movements and shit quickly.