Introduction to Wutu

If there is too much water, it should be warmed by fire, and all things will be transformed. If it is wet, things will become sick. Gen Kun is the month of Yinshen. In spring, it is restrained, and Qi deficiency should be kept quiet; in Autumn, there is excessive discharge, and the body is thin and afraid of flushing. Or if you sit in Yin Shenri, you also like to be quiet and avoid clashes. Those born in the Four Seasons Moon are most fond of the gold of Geng, Shen, Xin and You, which is delicate and popular, and will be designated as Quaker, and the same is true for Jitu. If a pillar encounters wood fire, or if luck encounters it, it will break. Tips: Wu soil, city wall soil, Dayi soil, embankment, coarse soil, belongs to dry soil. Be tolerant, calm and patient, trustworthy, have a good reputation, and be honest. People born in Wutu like to have Renjia in their horoscope, so they can show their heroic qualities in troubled times. Usually doing protective work. E. People with a lot of Xin are likely to be soldiers, or have many contacts with people in the army. If Wu Tu is not killed, it will be difficult to become a great weapon.