The figure of eight is the third arch, but it is said that it conflicts with each other, and the strength is not great. Ugly soil happened in auspicious years, which can be said to be turning stone into gold, and the power of gold is soaring.
What does Duke Lu mean? There are five days at five o'clock: guihai ugly, guihai ugly, and public. When this is the last day, when this is the last day. This is the fifth day. The fifth day of the fifth day, Hongsi Road.
In other words, the word Lv Yan is hidden in the middle of these five days and five hours. For example, the word noon is between Ding Siri and Ding Weishi, meaning Lu Yan, and the word noon is between Japan and Wuwu, meaning Lu Yan, so they are all called Lu.
To put it bluntly, Gong Guige is a noble man in the sky who manipulates the yen every day. For example, Jia Yin gives birth to Jia Zi, and ugly characters arch in the middle of nourishing yin. This ugliness was helped by the noble Yan. These. There are six days in this situation, namely: Jiayin S Jiazi, Lunzi Renyin Shen Jiaqiao S, Wushen E-noon, the first day of the second day of the afternoon, and the pattern of Xin Chou Xin Mao is also afraid of the help of the nobles. It is said that there will be official stars rushing to the four pillars before 20 10.
Lu Gong's inspection method explains Lu Gong's inspection method in detail. Lu Gong's investigation method is based on the sun column and the time column, and there are four columns. The actual investigation method is: when Guihai is ugly, when Guihai is ugly, you can arch out Lu, in other words, the Japanese Lord's Lu is in Lu; When ding rides late, he can arch out the afternoon; At noon in the morning, you can arch out a road. As long as it is arched, the sun column should match the time column, and the arched Lu should match the monthly ventilation. The best place to operate is the land of expensive prosperity, which is conducive to your luck, injury to officials and money. Exemption from punishment eliminates harm, and the sheep blade is seven evil spirits.
For example, when heavenly stems and earthly branches was born in Chen Wuri Branch, he saw Bingwu; Heavenly stems and earthly branches was born in the afternoon of the third day, see Chen Wu; When Ding was born in heavenly stems and earthly branches, heavenly stems and earthly branches was born in Ding.
Sansheng communication meeting also clearly put forward heavenly stems and earthly branches's stickers: Guihai stickers: ugly stickers for childe, late stickers for martial arts. Chen Rizhu: During the Wuwu period, it was the seat of the archway.
The application of arch in eight characters 1. There was one in the original game.
There is an ugly base in the ground, and it is also an ugly base, arch. Although there is no shade under the ground, it is generally available. Weak eight characters are lucky, and strong eight characters are good or bad depending on the original game.
2. The original bureau has a second job.
The ground is supported by Chen Yin, and the arch of Chen Yin is connected with Louis.
3. the original game has C.
There are branches in the afternoon and arches in the afternoon.
It turns out that there is a good job in the bureau.
The ground is unsupported and the arch is unsupported.
5. The original bureau worked for a day.
There is a noon on the ground.
6. The original bureau has its own work.
There is no land support and there is no land support.
7. The original bureau had a hard time.
There is no single branch or single arch.
8. Life in the original bureau was good.
The land was arched to the west by Xu Shen and Xu Shen.