The birth date is 16:20 on January 19, 1995


Gregorian calendar: 16:20 on February 18, 1995

Lunar calendar: Shenshi on the 19th day of the first lunar month of Yihai year

Eight characters: Yihai|Wuyin|Gengchen|Jiashen

Zodiac: The zodiac sign is pig, and the sign is fire.

Gregorian calendar: 16:20 on January 19, 1995

Lunar calendar: Shenshi on the 19th day of the twelfth lunar month in the Jiaxu year

Eight characters: Jiaxu|Ding Chou| Gengxu|Jiashen

Zodiac: The zodiac sign is dog, and the sign is fire on the top of the mountain.