There are three places in this situation, and there must be three four pillars, Shen! Don't need three Geng characters; If only there were three Geng. As long as Geng Ri was born, it would be better to be Yueren or Wu Zixu, but all the support was Shen.
If you meet Bingzi, you are biased; If it is a bid, it belongs to Ruger, not the well site.
If you see the word Yin Wu in the four columns of this grid, it is broken!
Gengzi used Ding as the official, used Shen Sanhe to rush the fire bureau, and Gengri won the official star. Good health, prosperity in the east and prosperity in the south.
If there are four words in the four columns, the score will be reduced; The same is true of the old king's luck.
Gengri is full of decorations, and your god is called Minefield Fork; Bing Ding meets at lunch break, and Shenzichen Palace is beautiful. If the application is returned to Ruger, it will be added when Bingzi kills God. The Water Conservancy Bureau wants to charge Yin Wu, and it is difficult to get credit if it is still filled in.
Gengri meets Shen, and the mine field is an official star; If there is no fire in the game, it will become expensive. If the game is broken, disaster will come.
Minefield likes the east, and it is really rich to get money; C&D is lucky to be five years old, and it is necessary and terrible to lose money and wealth.
Gengri is under the ornament, and I am afraid of hurting each other in the afternoon; The blessing is halved, and the success or failure of fame cannot last long.
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