Made in heaven and earth, neutralization is beautiful; Harmony of Yin and Yang brings a myriad of weather. If you are biased, you must be missing. As the saying goes, solitary yang is not born, solitary yin is not long, and so is Yi Li's numerology.
The eight-character theory of life, when the first theory of Tai Chi, the second look at two instruments, and then three talents, the total view of four images, according to the five elements. From birth to success, from six to seven, even ten jobs and so on.
If we only rely on the main branch, we will lose Yi Dao. Its conclusion is naturally not credible. Why is this happening? Because the dry branch is nothing more than an image, and the five elements are the essence.
For example, someone made this mistake by inferring the numerology of pure yin and pure yang. So what I said was scary, but it was too numerous to be fulfilled. Recently, An Yiyou called me and said that his children had made mistakes: Ji Mao, Ding Chou, Gui Hai and Wei Ji; Just like Kun Zao: Ji Mao, Ding Chou, Gui You, Yi Mao; There is love. Ask me why? According to pure yang and pure yin, both are pure yin, so there should be no love, because the same sex repels each other. So why do they have feelings? Moreover, she told me that both children study well and are lively and cheerful by nature.
The reason is that the eight characters of two people are too similar, and their views and opinions on things are easy to resonate; Secondly, their eight characters are not really pure yin and yang. No, the theory of pure yin and pure yang is wrong; On the contrary, it is not enough for a diploma for some people to infer pure yin and pure yang only from branches and branches.
So, what is the real life of pure yin and pure yang? Generally, the following four situations need to be considered at the same time, which need to be carefully distinguished:
1, separating the numbers of yin and yang expressed by heavenly stems and earthly branches, we all know that there are ten dry days, namely: A, B, C, D, E, G, Xin, Ren and Gui. The number of each table ranges from 1 to 10 in the order of location. Odd numbers are yang, such as a, c, e, g, n, etc. Even numbers are yin, such as b, d, f, s, c, etc.
Twelve earthly branches, namely: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai and so on. Similarly, in the order of position, odd numbers are Yang, such as Zi, Yin, Chen, Wu, Shen and Xu. Even numbers are yin, such as: ugly, hairy, defensive, unitary, sea, etc.
2. It is necessary to support the yin and yang attributes of Tibetan dry, and the nature of heaven is the master of Lu and the master of talent; Land sustains wealth, benefits and benefits. Underground support for people and things, that is, underground support for Tibet, plays a great role in the smooth progress of life; As long as the suitcase is held up by the luck of the New Year, or the suitcase is exposed, it is very expressive.
Underground branches and Tibetan trunks are complicated, some in the shade and some in the yang; Either yang hides yin or yin hides yang. For example, although Si and Hai are Yin, they are hidden as Yang; Although it is sunny at noon, it is cloudy when it is hidden; Chen and Xu Youyang have yin as well as yin.
Generally speaking, as long as there are such six branches in the eight characters, it belongs to false yin and false yang; It is not really pure yin and pure yang.
3. It is necessary to separate the yin and yang attributes of the five elements. As we all know, the appearance of the branches is the main body of the five elements. Attachment to the body is only a subordinate position. For example, in the eight characters, the wood is shaoyang and the fire is Lao Yang; Gold is shaoyin and water is laoyin; Earth is originally angry, and it is also yin and yang. Therefore, if there is wood and fire in the eight characters, it cannot be considered as pure yin; If there is golden water in the eight characters, it cannot be regarded as pure yang; The soil is strong because of yang and healthy because of yin.
4. The depth of Yin and Yang in time and season endowments. For example, the earthly branches have different birth times and different yin and yang temperament. In principle, from sunrise to sunset, the yang is strong. Therefore, if this person was born in the mausoleum until the sacred stone, it cannot be said that this person is pure yin; It is also not suitable for pushing life according to pure yin; You can't say that this person is pure Yang from the time you were born.
Similarly, people born in spring and summer cannot be called pure yin; People born in autumn and winter are not pure yang.