Why does the face swell when autologous living cells fill the figure of eight?

1. There is no local change after injection and filling, and there will be no severe pain during injection. But first of all, it should be noted that although there is no wound during injection and filling, the eye of the needle filled by injection can't get wet within 4 hours to avoid external infection. 2, pay special attention to diet, seafood, spicy food, beef and mutton should not be eaten to avoid local swelling; Special attention should also be paid to oral drugs. Do not take antibiotics orally for one week after injection. Aspirin will strengthen the effect of toxins, so as to avoid adverse effects on the face, and the injection filling effect is not good. 3. Don't do facial massage for nearly three days to prevent drugs from spreading to eye muscles, causing eye muscle paralysis; Do not do strenuous exercise within one day of injection and filling, keep your body standing and try not to bend sideways to avoid the symptoms of drooping eyelids.