1. Seeking the original text and explanation of the Inspiration from the Supreme Being
The Supreme Being said: There is no way for misfortunes and blessings, only people call upon themselves. Retribution for good and evil follows you like a shadow. Therefore, there are gods in heaven and earth who are in charge of people's faults. They will take away people according to the seriousness of their offenses. If the calculation is reduced, it will lead to poverty and depletion. If there is more sorrow and trouble, everyone will hate it. Punishments and disasters will follow. Lucky stars will bring disaster and disasters. If the calculation is complete, death will occur. There are also three Taipei Dou Shenjun, who record people's sins on their heads and take away their records. There are also three corpse gods who are in the human body. Every Gengshen day, they often go to Tiancao to tell people about their sins. On a dark day, so does the Kitchen God. Mortals have mistakes. If they are big, they will be punished; if they are small, they will be judged. There are hundreds of things, big or small, that those who want to live forever must first avoid. If it is the way, we will advance; if it is not the way, we will retreat. Don't follow evil paths, don't bully the darkroom. Accumulate virtue and merit, be kind to things. Loyal, filial, and friendly to friends, upright to oneself and transformed into a person, respectful to the lonely and caring for the widowed, and caring for the old and the young. Insects and vegetation should not be harmed. It is appropriate to show mercy to others when they are in danger, to rejoice in others' kindness, to help others when they are in need, and to save others when they are in danger. See what others gain as you gain yourself. Seeing others' mistakes is like one's own mistakes. Don't show off others' shortcomings, don't show off your own strengths. Contain evil and promote good, push more and take less. Don't complain when you are humiliated, but feel flattered. Give kindness without expecting repayment, and never regret being with others. The so-called good people are respected by everyone, and God will bless them, and they will be blessed with good fortune. All evils will be far away, and the gods will protect them. Whatever they do will be accomplished, and the gods can hope for it.
Those who desire heavenly immortals should do one thousand three hundred good deeds, and those who desire earthly immortals should do three hundred good deeds. If they act unrighteously or act against the principles, they should do three hundred good deeds. He uses evil as his strength and tolerates cruelty. The evil thief is kind and secretly insults the king and his relatives. Being arrogant to Mr. Qi and betraying what he does. He deceived the ignorant and slandered his classmates. Make false accusations and criticize family members. Strong and unkind, ruthless and self-indulgent. Right and wrong are inappropriate, facing away is appropriate. Abuse the subordinates to gain merit, and flatter the superiors to achieve the purpose. Don't feel grateful for the favor and keep complaining. Contempt the heaven and the people and disturb the state affairs. Rewards are for the unjust, punishment is for the innocent. Kill people to get wealth, use people to get positions. Execute those who surrender and surrender, demote the good and exclude the virtuous. Ling Gugui forced widowers to abandon the law and accept bribes. Use straightness to become crookedness, and use crookedness to become straightness. The light is the most serious, and the anger is the result of killing. Know your faults but don’t correct them, know your good deeds but don’t do them. Self-incrimination leads him to block the alchemy. Slandering sages and violating morality. It shoots away and drives them away, stings and frightens the roost, fills the holes and covers the nest, injuring the fetus and breaking the eggs. May people make mistakes and ruin others' success. Endangering others' safety, reducing others' safety will benefit oneself. Use evil to make good, use private to abolish public. Stealing people's abilities and concealing their good deeds. It depicts people's ugliness and criticizes their selfishness. It consumes people, money and money, and takes away people's flesh and blood. Invading people's loved ones, helping others to do wrong, acting out of ambition and power, humiliating others in order to win. Destroy people's crops and ruin their marriages. To be rich and arrogant, to avoid corruption, to accept favor and push past. Framing the blame. Sell ??and buy false reputation, but you will be assured of danger. Frustrate others' strengths and exploit one's own weaknesses. Taking advantage of threats, they commit violence and kill. Cutting without reason and cooking without etiquette. Scatter grain and disturb all living beings. A broken home. Take its treasure. They cut water and set fire to harm people's residences, disrupt people's scale, defeat people's achievements, damage people's utensils, and use them for the poor. See him in glory and honor, and wish him to be demoted. See him rich, may he be ruined. Seeing his beautiful appearance, I started to investigate. If you bear his goods and wealth, he will die. If the request fails, curses and hatred will arise. When he saw him losing his bowels, he said he had done something wrong.
Laughing at his lack of appearance. Only when you see him can you praise him and suppress him. Bury poison to disgust people, use medicine to kill trees. He is angry with his master and contradicts his father and brother. He takes things by force, likes to invade and seize. Get rich by plundering, and seek relocation through cunning deception. Rewards and punishments are not equal, and you enjoy the holidays. Torture him harshly and intimidate him. Blame everyone and blame the wind and rain. Fighting and filing lawsuits, seeking out cliques. Using concubine language violates the instructions of parents. Get new and forget old things. Duplicity, greed, risking wealth, and deception. Make evil words and slander ordinary people. Destroying people is called upright, scolding gods is called righteousness, abandoning obedience and following disobedience, betraying relatives and turning away.
Refers to the heaven and earth to prove the bad things, and to attract the gods to supervise obscene things. Giving and regretting, borrowing without repaying. Go out of your way to seek help, and use your strength to provide facilities. Excessive lust, vicious heart and kind appearance. Dirty food discourages people, and leftist ways confuse people. A short ruler is narrow, a light scale is a small liter. Mixing falsehood with truth and making profit. Suppressing good people makes them cheap, being foolish and greedy, cursing people to seek truth. Addicted to alcohol and disorder, and quarrels between flesh and blood. Men are unfaithful and good, women are not submissive. If you don't get along with your wife, you don't respect your husband. Every time he likes to boast, he is often jealous.
Immoral to my wife, disrespectful to my uncle and aunt, disrespectful to my ancestors, and disobedient to my superiors. It is useless to act with external intentions. I cursed him, hating and favoring him. The more you go into the well, the more you go into the stove, and you eat and drink. Abortion at the expense of a child leads to secluded behavior. Huila sings and dances, Shuodan howls in anger.
I spit and drown in the north, chant and cry in the stove. They also use the stove fire to burn incense and the dirty wood for food. The dew rises at night, and execution is carried out on the eighth day. The spitting star refers to hauni. Refers to the three lights, looking at the sun and moon for a long time, the spring moon is burning, and scolding the north. For crimes such as killing turtles and hitting snakes for no reason, the commander will take the punishment according to the seriousness of the crime. If the reckoning is exhausted, you will die. If you die with more responsibility, it will bring disaster to your descendants. Also, those who take wealth from others take advantage of their wives and family members, and gradually end up dead and mourning. If there is no death or mourning, there will be water, fire, thieves, lost utensils, illness, speech and other things, which should be taken away in vain. Those who kill people in vain are those who kill each other by changing weapons.
Those who take wealth that is not Xi's, such as leaking breasts to relieve hunger, or poisoning wine to quench thirst, will not only make them full temporarily, but also lead to death. Husband’s heart is motivated by good deeds. Although the good deeds are not yet done, the good fortune has already followed. Or the heart may be motivated by evil, but even though the evil has not yet been done, evil spirits have already followed. Some of them have done evil things, but later repented, refrained from doing evil, and practiced good deeds. Good luck will come to you in the long run. This is called turning misfortune into blessing. Therefore, auspicious people speak good words, view good things, and do good things. If you do three good deeds in one day, you will receive blessings from heaven in three years. A vicious person speaks evil words, sees evil, and does evil. If he does three evil things in one day, he will be punished by heaven in three years. He will do it without force. 2. Asking for the original translation of the chapter on Taishang's induction
The original text of Taishang's induction (vernacular translation) Click here for the original text Li Changling of the Song Dynasty. Taishang, the master of Baopu Zizi, said: "There is no door for subjective choice between disaster and blessing. ".
Whether one enters the door of disaster or the door of blessing is determined by a person's good and evil behavior.
Retribution for good and evil moves with the human body just like the human shadow.
There are gods in the sky and on the earth who specialize in supervising the good and evil in the world. These gods will give people varying degrees of punishment according to the severity of their crimes. If you commit minor crimes, the gods will make you poor, you will often encounter sorrow and disasters, everyone will hate you, punishments and disasters will follow you, good things will not happen to you, and evil stars will bring disasters to you until you die.
There are also Santai and Beidou gods on people's heads to record people's sins. When the moon is not clear, Kitchen God also records people's sins like Santai and Big Dipper.
No matter who you are, as long as you commit a sin, if the sin is serious, it will cost you your life. If the sin is not big, everything will be unsatisfactory and unsuccessful. There are hundreds of sins, big and small. If you want to live a long life, you must avoid them all.
If it is a good way, move forward; if it is not a good way, then retreat. Don't take evil paths, don't do evil in secret.
To accumulate virtue and do good deeds, do more good deeds, and have a kind heart. Be loyal, filial, and friendly, behave openly and honestly, and influence others with your actions.
Have mercy on the helpless and help the poor. Respect the elderly and love children.
No harm will be done to animals and vegetation. When you see people dying, you should sympathize with them; when you see people doing good deeds, you should be happy; when you see people in trouble, you should help them; when you see people in danger, you should save them.
Seeing others gain is the same as oneself gaining, seeing others losing is the same as oneself losing. Don't promote other people's shortcomings, don't show off your own strengths.
Stop evil things, promote good things, and see the benefits so that others can get more than you can get less. Do not complain when you are humiliated, but be vigilant when you are favored.
Do good deeds without asking for repayment from others, and do things with others without regrets. Only in this way can you be considered a good person. In this way, others will respect you, gods will protect you, fortune and fortune will follow you, evil will stay away from you, and gods will protect you.
Only what you have to do will succeed, and only if you want to become a god can you have hope. A person who wants to become a heavenly immortal should perform one thousand three hundred good deeds, and a person who wants to become an earthly immortal should perform three hundred good deeds.
If you are shaken when you see something that is not benevolent and unjust, and act when you see something that is harmful to the world; if you are capable of doing evil, have the heart to do harm, conspire to harm kind people, use tricks to deceive superiors and subordinates; if you are neglectful, Betray the good deeds of the past; be arrogant and ignorant, slander classmates; be hypocritical, frame up, deceive, and hypocritical, beat and scold relatives and friends of the clan; use the strong to bully the weak, and use cruel methods; do not distinguish between right and wrong, and confuse right and wrong; abuse subordinates, seek fame, and flatter superiors for benefits; Not thanking others for receiving favors from others, resenting others endlessly; looking down on everyone; disrupting state orders; rewarding bad people and punishing innocent good people; killing people and grabbing wealth, relying on framing and attacking others to gain others' positions; killing enemies who have surrendered, and rejecting virtuous people An upright person; bullying and persecuting the weak and poor; not abiding by laws and disciplines, accepting bribes; telling the truth about the straight, straightening up the unfair, and treating the minor as serious; cheering for the evil, and not correcting the mistake knowingly; knowingly It is a good deed but you refuse to do it, you are guilty and you drag others into trouble; you slander saints and distort morals; you shoot birds, chase animals, dig insect nests, frighten animals at high places, and harm lives; you hope that others will make mistakes, and you are jealous of others Success; harming others to gain their own safety; taking things that belong to others as their own; exchanging bad things for good things, harming the public and enriching private interests for personal gain; plagiarizing other people's achievements and concealing the kindness of others; imitating other people's flaws and attacking other people's privacy; Waste other people's goods and money, alienate other people's families; misappropriate other people's beloved things, help bad people do bad things; show off one's power and humiliate others for fun; destroy other people's crops, destroy other people's marriages; make ill-gotten wealth without shame; the benefits are for oneself, Putting the blame on others; passing on one's own disasters to others, selling one's own rags to others; seeking fame and reputation with evil intentions; undermining other people's strengths to protect one's own; using one's power to bully others and encouraging thugs to commit crimes; cutting branches for no reason and killing without respect for etiquette. Pigs kill sheep; waste food, waste people and money; destroy other people's homes and steal other people's treasures; flood and set fire to destroy people's houses; bad people plan to make people fail; damage other people's equipment and items so that others cannot use them; see others' prosperity and wealth, and curse them He was demoted and met with death; when he saw someone else's wealth, he wished him to be ruined and scattered; when he saw a woman's beauty, he became lustful; when he took someone else's treasure, he wished him dead; when he begged someone but failed to achieve his goal, he cursed and hated him; When you see others making mistakes, you accuse them of being wrong; when you see others they are ugly, you laugh at them; when you see others they are talented, you reject them; you use poisonous insects to harm people and poisons to harm plants and trees; you resent your master and are at odds with your parents and brothers; you plunder and rob by force. Get rich with other people's property; rely on tongue hypocrisy to seek promotion; unfair rewards and punishments, indolence, and lack of restraint; harshly abuse subordinates, threaten and intimidate others; complain about others, complain about wind and rain; fight and complain, chase away friends; listen to your wife and violate the discipline of your parents; Like the new and hate the old, duplicity; greedy for treasures, deceive superiors; create rumors, bad reputation; regard destroying others as an advantage, open mouth to curse God as it is right; abandon harmony, imitate disobedience, regardless of closeness; falsely point to heaven and earth to defend oneself, falsely invoke the gods to cover He behaves uglyly; he regrets giving things to others, and does not want to return things he borrows from others; he does not keep his duty, takes tricks, and hinders others from giving charity; he is excessively lustful, looks kind on the outside, and is vicious at heart; gives rotten food to others, and follows evil ways to confuse everyone; A person who is short of a pound, mixes the fake with the real, and is good at business; treats other people's good things as cheap things and bullies fools; is greedy and unfair in buying and selling; drunken and promiscuous, quarrels between flesh and blood; men are disloyal and women are not submissive; family disharmony, Disrespecting husband; likes to brag about oneself and always loves to be jealous; does not behave well to his wife and is rude to parents-in-law; neglects seniors and violates orders; does things that are not good for others and does not mean what he means; outwardly he curses himself but is actually cursing others. Love and hate freely; like to cross wells and pots and stoves, jump on people's rice bowls and people's heads; miscarry children, sneak around; sing and dance at night, howl at dawn; spit and urinate facing the north, and do things to the stove Chant and cry; use the stove fire to light incense and use dirty firewood to cook; cannot get up naked at night, and will be executed on eight occasions; spit on the shooting stars, point to the rainbow, point to the sun, moon, and stars, and gaze at the sun and moon for a long time; burn the wasteland for hunting in spring, and He scolded the north; he killed turtles and snakes for no reason. For all of the above sins, the Ming God will prevent or take away your calculations according to the severity of the sin, causing you to work in vain or suffer disaster.
If the sin is too great, you will be asked to die. Even if you die, you will still have debts. 3. How many words are there in the original text of "Tai Shang Ying Pian"?
Most of the sentences in "Tai Shang Ying Pian" are taken from the two chapters "Taishu" and "Micro Purpose" in "Baopuzi" written by Ge Hong (284-343) of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. , the full text is 1277 words, divided into 4 parts: general introduction, good deeds, bad deeds and conclusion. It lists 22 good deeds and 155 bad deeds.
"Tai Shang Ying Pian" was first seen in documents from the Song Dynasty. In 1164, Li Shi of the Southern Song Dynasty included "Tai Shang Ying Pian" in his edited "Le Shan Lu". The famous Confucian Zhen Dexiu (1178-1235) once wrote the preface to "Tai Shang Ying Pian". Emperor Lizong of the Song Dynasty (reigned 1225-1264) wrote at the beginning of the chapter "Don't do all evil and practice all good deeds" and assisted in its publication. and circulation.
"Tai Shang Ying Pian" advocates "accumulating virtue and merit, being kind to things", emphasizing "loyalty, filial piety and friendship, rectifying oneself and transforming others, being lonely and compassionate, respecting the elderly and caring for the young", which embodies Confucianism ethics. In Confucianism, there is particular emphasis on the five moral principles, and it is believed that the hierarchical boundaries between monarch and minister, father and son, and husband and wife are clearly defined. In the "Tai Shang Ying Pian", "disrupting state affairs", "disobeying orders", and "using wives and concubines" are also , "disobeying the instructions of parents", "men are unfaithful, women are not submissive, disobedient to others, and disrespectful to their husbands" as the criteria for evil behavior.
It can be said that "Tai Shang Ying Pian" actually establishes a code of conduct based on Confucian moral norms and Taoist religious rules.
"Tai Shang Induction" fully reflects the awe of the authority of ghosts and gods. The book believes that there are gods or ghosts in the sky, on the earth, and in the human body that record people's sins and bring misfortunes and blessings to people, such as the God of Misfortune on the earth, the Three Taipei Dou Gods in the sky, and the Three Corpse Gods in humans. People's norms and constraints exist all the time. People should respect them and not be disrespectful to the sun, moon and other objects that symbolize gods and ghosts. Therefore, "spitting on shooting stars, pointing at rainbows, frequently pointing at three lights, and looking at the sun and moon for a long time" are regarded as Doing evil deeds; and "killing turtles and snakes for no reason" will also cause "seizing their records, and dying after all the calculations. If you die with more responsibility, it will bring disaster to your descendants." 4. Looking for 10 classical Chinese reading questions and answers
1. Huang Wanqiao is young and wise to Huang Wan.
My grandfather Qiong was the prefect of Wei County. There was a solar eclipse on the first lunar month of the first year of Jianhe.
The capital was missing but Qiong heard about it. The Queen Mother asked how much she had eaten.
Jones is right but doesn’t know what’s going on. Wan, who was seven years old, stood by and said, "Why don't you say that the rest of the solar eclipse is like the beginning of the moon?" Qiong was shocked, and she responded to the imperial edict with her words, and she fell in love with her deeply.
Notes ① Jianhe: the reign name of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty. The first year of Jianhe was AD 147.
②The capital is missing: The solar eclipse cannot be seen in the capital. Cultural knowledge "Queen Mother" and others.
Since the Qin Dynasty, the emperor has been called "emperor" and the emperor's wife has been called "empress". "Queen Mother" (or Empress Dowager) refers to the emperor's mother (the mother of the princes and kings of the Zhou Dynasty is also called "Queen Mother"), and the emperor's father is called "Tai Shang Huang".
The emperor's grandmother was called "the Empress Dowager", and the emperor's grandfather was called "the Supreme Emperor". "Tai" means supreme and great, so the emperor's doctor is called "Tai Yi", the emperor's teacher is called "Tai Shi", and the emperor's ancestral temple is called "Tai Miao".
Thoughts and exercises 1. Interpretation: ①Edict ②Qi 2. Translation: ①Qiong thinks that he is right but does not know the situation; ②That is, he responds to the edict with his words 3. Choice: "Qiong heard about it" There are Which of the following understandings is incorrect? ① Huang Qiong heard about the situation; ② Huang Qiong reported the situation to the emperor; ③ Huang Qiong let the emperor hear about the situation. 4. Understand: What does Huang Wan say about the appearance after a solar eclipse? 2. Child prodigy Zhuang Yougong Zhuang Yougong in Guangdong is known as a child prodigy.
The neighboring town of Guangdong, the General's Office, was performing a kite-flying show. It was suitable to be placed in the inner house of the General's Office, and the village went directly to ask for it. Because of his extraordinary divine personality, Zhu Yi suddenly asked: "Where did the boy come from?" Zhuang Yizhen was right.
The general asked: "Have you ever studied? Have you ever been correct?" Zhuang said: "Yes, it is a trivial matter, why is it so difficult!" The general asked: "How many words can you get correct?" Zhuang said: "If you can write one word, you can also write a hundred words." The general boasted about the size of the square. Pointing to the paintings in the hall, he ordered him to say: "In the old painting hall, the dragon does not sing, the tiger does not roar, and the flowers If you don't smell the fragrance and the birds don't chirp, this kid is ridiculous."
Zhuang said: "Just one game of chess here is enough." He responded: "It's half a game of chess, the rook has no wheels, and the horse has no wheels. No saddle, no smoke for the cannon, no fire for the soldiers, no food, shout to the general to be careful."
Notes ① Guangdong: Today's Panyu City, Guangdong. ② Zhuang Yougong: A native of the Qing Dynasty, he served as the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.
③Divinity: divine order and temperament. ④Have you ever learned to be right?: Have you ever learned to be right? ⑤ Hall affairs: refers to the lobby.
⑥ Fire pawn: The cook in the army. Cultural knowledge chess.
Go and Xiangqi are the two major chess activities in China. Most experts believe that there was Go first and then chess.
The term "xiangqi" first appeared in "The Songs of Chu: Soul Calling". From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the early Tang Dynasty, there were only four arms in xiangqi: generals, rooks, horses and pawns. In the Tang Dynasty, "Pao" was added, and in the Northern Song Dynasty, "Pian" and "Zen" were added, which are equivalent to "Shi" and "Xiang".
By the end of the Northern Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, Chinese chess was truly finalized: a chess set has 32 pieces, divided into generals, soldiers, elephants, soldiers, chariots, horses, and cannons. Thinking and practice 1. Explanation: ① Department ② Suitable ③ Chess ④ Right ⑤ Praise 2. Translation: ① All battles are ignored because they are young; ② He said in a sudden question; ③ Zhuang Yizhen is right; ④ Why is it so difficult! 3. Cao Zhi is smart. Cao Zhi is more than ten years old. He has recited hundreds of thousands of poems, treatises and poems. He is good at literature.
Taizu tasted his article and asked Zhi: "Are you asking someone to do something wrong?" Zhi knelt down and said: "What you say is what you say, and what you write is what you write. It's like an interview. How can I invite people?" Shi Yebi said It's done, it's impressive.
Taizu was very different. Notes ① "Poetry" and "Lun": refer to "The Book of Songs" and "The Analects of Confucius".
② Fu: an ancient literary style. ③Taizu: refers to Cao Cao.
④Discussion: discussion. ⑤Ye: An ancient place name, in today’s Henan Province.
⑥Bronze Bird Pavilion: The pavilion built by Cao Cao in Yecheng. Cultural common sense The writer Cao Zhi.
Cao Zhi is the son of Cao Cao, named Zijian. He has been enlightened since he was a child. From the above, it can be seen from the above that he has read quite a lot of books when he was a teenager, and he also wrote good articles.
Because of his talent and learning, he was favored by Cao Cao in his early years and wanted to establish him as a prince. This aroused the jealousy of his brother Cao Pi. After Cao Pi became emperor, Cao Zhi became even more jealous and died in depression.
Most of his poems are five-character poems. In the early stage, a few wounds reflected the social turmoil and his own ambitions, while in the later stage, he expressed his depression. Today there is "Cao Zijian Collection".
Thoughts and exercises 1. Explanation: ① Gu ② Xi ③ General ④ Zhu ⑤ Aid 2. Translation: good at writing; ② Nai He invites people; ③ Taizu is very different 3. Understanding: "seen" What does mean? 4. Write "Poetry in Seven Steps" silently. 4. Abalone is hard to come by. The ancestors of the Qitian family lived in the court, and there were thousands of guests.
When someone offered fish or geese, Tian looked at it and Naiba said: "Heaven is kind to the people! Plant grains and give birth to fish and birds for their use." All the guests responded.
A son of the Bao family, twelve years old, was also sitting and said, "It's not as good as your words. All things in heaven and earth are born with me, and they are of the same kind.
There is no high or low in the same kind. The small and large intelligences are in control of each other, and they feed on each other. They do not live by each other. If humans take what is edible and eat it, is it not natural for mosquitoes and gnats to eat their skin, and for tigers and wolves to eat their flesh? , Tigers and wolves produce meat!” Notes ①Tian: A (noble) person with the surname Tian in Qi State.
②Ancestor: When ancient people traveled far and held banquets to worship road gods, they called them "ancestors". ③Traditional: Yu.
④ Not living for each other: not living for the other party’s survival. ⑤Gnat: A small blood-sucking insect.
⑥囋: bite. Cultural common sense diners.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, people who relied on their skills to join the nobility were called "diners". In order to recruit talents and show their strength, the powerful families would have as many as three thousand diners, and as few as hundreds.
Among the diners, some are good at making suggestions, some are good at diplomacy, and those who are good at sneaking around can sometimes become diners. Diners are ranked according to their talents.
Thoughts and exercises 1. Explanation: ① and ② also ③ and ④ category 2. Translation: ① Heaven is kind to the people ② Not as good as the king ③ Controlled by small and big intelligence 3. Title " The "difficulty" in "Baozi is a difficult guest" is explained as. 5. Cao Shaokui caught the "weird". There was a monk in Luoyang who kept singing to himself day and night.
The monk thought it was strange and became sick from fear. I asked the magicians to ban it in every possible way, but in the end it was impossible.
Shao Kui and the monk Shan came to ask about his illness. The monk both complained and struck the fasting bell, but it stopped ringing again. Shao Kui smiled and said: "Tomorrow we can prepare a grand feast for you."
Although the monk did not believe Shao Kui's words, he hoped it would be effective, so he prepared a feast for him. After Kui finished eating, he took out the file from his arms and used it in several places, and the sound was gone.
The monk asked the reason why, and Shao Kui said: "This chi is in harmony with the rhythm of the bell, and the strikes are in response to each other." The monk was overjoyed, and his illness was cured.
Note ①: A percussion instrument. Used by monks to perform Buddhist rituals.
②Warlock: Yes. 5. Answers to the classical Chinese reading of Qian Bao, the Jade Girl in Heaven
From Volume 1 of Qian Bao's "Sou Shen Ji", the translation is for reference:
In his early years, Xian Chao was sent to Jibei County to do "engagement" "掾" is an official.
One night, Xian Chao was sleeping alone in bed, and drifted into sleep: a woman seemed to float from the sky, and she snuggled into his arms without shame, saying: "I am a beautiful girl from the sky. , I am from Dongjun, my surname is Chenggong, my name is Zhiqiong, my parents are dead. God has mercy on me and allows me to get married."
Xian Chao woke up suddenly and missed the woman in his dream very much. For three or four nights in a row, the same dream was repeated.
One morning, the woman in the dream appeared, sitting in a carriage, followed by eight maids. Wearing beautiful clothes, walking with flying grace. He said he was seventy years old, but he looked fifteen or sixteen. There was good wine and food in the car, so Xian Chao could eat and drink together. He said to him: "We are destined to be husband and wife. This will do you no good and will never do any harm. At least it will allow you to drive a light car, ride a fat horse, eat rare delicacies, and wear clothes." Lingluo Satin. I am a god and cannot give birth to a child for you, but I am not jealous and will not destroy your marriage and family." The two got married.
On every single day, Xian Chao eats with his mortal wife and sleeps in the same bed. Every weekend, I eat and live with Yunu and his wife. The jade girl comes and goes in a wandering way, only Xian Chao can see it, and no one else can. When he went out, Zhiqiong accompanied him and prepared a carriage and horses for him. He could arrive in half an hour if he was a hundred miles away; he could arrive in half a day if he was a thousand miles away.
When Liu Qin was in charge of the rebellion, Emperor Ming of Wei went on an eastward expedition, and officials followed him. The living quarters are cramped, with four people living in a hut. Zhiqiong often comes to accompany Xianchao, and everyone in the same room is surprised. Zhiqiong can become invisible, but cannot hide her voice. When she comes, the room is filled with fragrance. The roommates questioned Xian Chao, and Xian Chao told the truth because he was a sincere person.
The roommate told his boss about the matter. The boss thought that demons and ghosts were common in the world and did not blame Xian Chao.
When Xian Chao went back, Jade Girl told Xian Chao that she was leaving and said: "I am a god and I don't want mortals to know. Now that it has been revealed, I will no longer associate with you. Over the years, husband and wife Love, love, love, once we are separated, I will feel so sad."
After that, he asked his attendants to open the box and take out a lot of clothes and cloth for Xian Chao. He took Xian Chao's hand, said goodbye to him, and left.
Another five years later, Xian Chao was ordered to go to Luoyang as an envoy. He walked to Mang Mountain and looked in front of the path. There was a carriage, which looked like Zhi Qiong was sitting on it. He quickly caught up and saw that it was indeed a carriage. she. When the two met, they were filled with joy and sorrow.
They rushed to Luoyang together, stayed with Xian Chao in a hotel, and became inseparable from then on.
When it came to Taikang (the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, Sima Yan), Xianchao was still alive, and Jade Girl only visited on March 3rd, May 5th, July 7th, September 9th and the 10th day of every month. I will meet Xian Chao in five days. And every time I come, I have to stay overnight before leaving. 6. Reading answers to the classical Chinese text "Han Hao Chong"
Original text:
There is a bird in Mount Wutai named Han Hao Chong. Four legs, with fleshy wings. Its excrement is Wulingzhi. When the heat of summer is high, the literary talent is brilliant, and he cries to himself: "Phoenix is ??not as good as me!" Compared to the severe cold of late winter, the feathers fall off, and he is as dull as a phoenix chick, so he cries to himself: "I can get by!" (Tao Zongyi of the Yuan Dynasty, "Stop Plowing") "Record")
Translation: There is a kind of bird on Mount Wutai called Hanhao Chong. It has four legs and a pair of fleshy wings, but it cannot fly. Its feces are the "Wulingzhi" used in ancient times to remove blood stasis. At the height of the summer, it was wearing a brightly colored sweater, so it shouted happily: "The Phoenix can't compare to me!" In the cold season of late winter, its feathers fell off, and it looked as ugly as a young bird, so it said to itself He shouted to himself: "If you can live on, just live like this."
Meaning: This fable warns people that those who do not know the heights of the world are either blindly optimistic about themselves as a person or a teacher; when they hit a wall, He also lacks confidence in himself and is blindly pessimistic.