Brain tumor, has anyone seen or heard of a case of brain tumor cured with traditional Chinese medicine? Advertisers don't talk nonsense here, and really ask for help.

Hello, this disease is generally a malignant disease. If Chinese medicine could be cured, it would have been carried forward long ago. So far, there are few reports about the treatment of brain tumors with traditional Chinese medicine at home and abroad. Judging from the situation in various places, most of them only cooperate with traditional Chinese medicine to improve postoperative symptoms, with different syndrome differentiation and various drugs, which are still in the exploration stage.

1. Su Wen's theory of five zang-organs "The brain, marrow, bone, pulse, gallbladder and female fetus are all born in yin and resemble the ground, so they hide without diarrhea, so they are called strange and constant houses." Su Wen Bing Bing Lun also pointed out that "people have been sick and have headaches for several years ... when they have a bad cold, the bone marrow is dominated by the brain, and the brain acts against the cause, causing headaches ... and the name is against the wind." Therefore, a long-lasting headache is caused by a bad cold that reaches the bone marrow. The brain is the meeting of all yang, and it has a high status and belongs to yang. Wind pathogen and internal heat are most likely to cause head lesions.

Second, there are indeed cases of prolonging life. For example, cancer patients in some mountainous and rural areas live much longer than healthy people. It is said that they often cook two eggs with pig grass, and the eggs absorb some unknown medicinal nutrients in pig dishes, which makes them live longer!