In mid-1960, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the eight-character policy of "adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement", in which "adjustment" refers to A.

In mid-1960, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward the eight-character policy of "adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement", in which "adjustment" refers to A. Adjust the development of the national economy


Test question analysis: This question mainly tests students' ability to memorize the teaching material content. It is relatively low-level. The "adjustment" in the eight-character policy refers to To adjust the proportional relationships in all aspects of the national economy, that is, mainly the proportional relationships between agriculture and weight, industry, production and infrastructure, accumulation and consumption, etc., the answer is D, A, B, and C are inconsistent with the above historical facts.

Comments: The ability to memorize is the lowest level in the college entrance examination ability test level. The test of historical events, time, and event content are common questions in the college entrance examination history questions, which mainly involve the memorization of knowledge points in the textbooks. , in daily study, it is necessary to strengthen the memory of time, events and event content.