Geff is poor and talented, and his life is not easy to decide. Books are to be recited. If you want to know the essence of your life, you should know the details of the two ways. Qi advances and retreats with deficiency and excess, and the grid is clear and turbid. Not suitable for use, but not suitable for use. If the financial officer is weak and the sun is shining, he will swim to the land of wealth before he can enter the Tao. It is a great disaster for the Japanese to be weak in wealth and prosperous in wealth. Generally speaking, the financial officer should be prosperous and the same injury should be quiet. Stubborn people are despicable, and those who are punished and hurt are lonely. The complexity is too dry, reward first and then be poor. Neutrality and purity begin with poverty and end with prosperity. The joys and sorrows of the Lord's life are all determined by the luck of the fleeting time. When you see the advantages and disadvantages of your parents, you will know your wife's virtue and stupidity every day. Taking wealth as the father and printing as the mother, wealth and printing are booming. Yin and Yang are misplaced, and parents are both dead. When the financial resources are robbed, the father dies first. Indy was injured and her mother died long ago. The wealthy star became rich, and the father ordered Changchun. Side by side, brothers are happy. Bad officials mixed, Tang Di fell. In Wen Kui, father and son live in Taggery. The moon is expensive, and the brothers are in class. Four pillars are connected to the official, and the main field is connected to the building. When the three officials see the official, they should know that the son is expensive and the husband is glorious. A man takes wealth as his wife, an official as his son, a rich official as his wife, a rich official as his wife, a noble official as his son, a weak wife as his son, a poor official as his wife, a deceased wife as his son, a woman's life as a rich official and children as his husband. Wang Yin's official position is very light, and he is sitting in the court to recruit a husband. Men are rich and women are weak, leaving their ancestors to propose marriage. If you are partial to wealth, you will lose your wife and concubine. If an official sees a wound, his son leaves his hometown. The official entered the tomb lightly and had to be partial to the palace. The evil spirits hid in the library, so we had to make a side room. A weak official is worth hurting, but a child is not old. When the wealth decreases, you will be robbed again, and your third wife will not allow Qi Mei. Money goes to the warehouse, the wife goes, the official goes to the warehouse, and the son goes away. Look at your children and grandchildren, the fifth house must be expensive. A century-old husband and wife were born of seven people. Wealth is an official, and the husband sings with the woman. The horse is fierce and lucky, and the rotten millet is old. If the official is weak and hurts the official, it is a descendant of Sun Cheng. If wealth is negative and wealth is biased, I will eventually take away my wife's rights. Father Nan Zibei lives in the Jedi. Brother Chu and brother Qin lost their lives. Officials bury their heads in selling porridge for men and women. Wealth leads to consumption, abandoning children and leaving wives. Wealth is an official, and husband and wife are like paint. Brothers are like scorpions and snakes. The officer was injured, his money was robbed, and his wife and children were separated. Eat every owl, print every fortune, and the family is ruined. Being robbed every day hurts every time, and my wife is still wavering when she dies. Every year is evil, every month is hurt, and brothers are in prison. Wealth is strong and robbery is heavy, and my brother's wife is my concubine. The wounded officer is too prosperous to hold his sister's son as his son. Four pillars meet officials, and three marriages cannot be old. All sides are biased, and half a son has no loss in his early years. The god of food is prosperous, and four or five or six people are appointed. The official strengthened the seal, and 789 children can boast. If the financial officer is sealed, you can envy your wives. Officials get a lot from eating, and they can also praise their descendants. A wife who is ugly and incompetent will be rich in the Jedi. The reason why the son is stupid is all because the official is in prison. Is prosperous, partial wealth, qi and meet. The official is weak, the wealth is prosperous, and the squire can see the king of Wen. A strong body brings lifelong development. Evil spirits are light and heavy, and people are finally detained. A palace reveals that the son talks about the five horses in the west of Beijing. One food is lofty, and the son Xu Hedong has three phoenixes. Money was robbed lightly, Zhuangzi's drum-and-basin song. Official residence driving evil spirit, Yan Lu son's car, please. The seven evil spirits hang at both ends, and there is no queen in Dongye. Four pillars see wounded officials, and Bo Dao dies childless. A plate full of seven evil spirits, the lamb has no tears. Four pillars hurt officials and have the pain of mourning for summer. Guo Rulian buried his son, only to kill him seven times. Lv Gong lost many children, and they were all hurt by wealth. There is an official, and the Xun family has eight dragons. There were four injured officials, and Yan Lu cried sadly. Wang Yin food is clear, and the conclusion is deep-rooted. You should know that your family business is booming. When India is injured, it is always difficult to keep its ancestral business. When wealth is robbed, home withers. Years rushed to the moon, broken ancestors left home. The man who takes money lightly and grabs consumption is a slut. If you are slow to see the official, you will take the Korean class. When the seal is rich, the official will come every day. When you are an official, fame and fortune naturally follow. Officials were sentenced to prison and their family business was gradually stopped. When an official is seriously injured, money is lighter than the grange. The three officials have no seal, their bodies are soft and their possessions are exhausted. If the real wealth meets the seal, the ancestral industry has a solid foundation. More wealth and less robbery, the official is rich and powerful. Wealth is lighter than robbery, and family assets are at the bottom. Money is light, but housework is snow. When an official is injured, money falls from the sky. If the official is injured, the number of lives will be fixed. If an official is injured and meets an official, disaster comes from his mouth. If the injured officer is worth the injury, Wanjing will run away from home. When the god of food meets the seal, it will advance year by year. If the god of food meets an owl, the family wealth will gradually disappear. Wealth is an official, and wealth overwhelms the township party. Weak body, poor financial situation. Take a break from home. The five elements are balanced, rich and old. If all three wonders are completed, longevity will last forever. The gentleman retired for obstructing his official duties. When money came to the Jedi, Shu Ren's family was ruined. Printing every fortune alone will definitely lead to a broken soul and return to prison. When an official is broken, he is forced to die. Seven people are in the air, and Zhou Tianzi has a wooden frame. The fifth house is trapped, and Yang Biao is worried about licking calves. Too dry to die, too complicated and lonely to be poor. Wealth is unpredictable, and life and death are peaceful. Ten deaths caused by damage to users, five against three against four. Light wealth means death, while heavy blade means death. When you are prosperous, you will die, and when you are weak, you will encounter wealth. Greedy for money, many people rob money. It is unpredictable to meet the owl disaster with food, but it is difficult to cure people with money. Evil is more important than the body, killing the roots and dying. The injury is strong and weak, and the injury is dead. The pattern of five elements is completely damaged, so we have to find a way to go back. Financial officials of the four pillars were all defeated and were busy planning the future. One seal kills, four pillars hurt. The whole game died and the two stars were saved. When robbing money, there are strong and weak. When an official enters the warehouse, he must be divided into yin and yang. The god of food enters the water and throws waves. Gourmet meets owl and dies in Lu Yu Road. Killing and plundering many people, the father died in a foreign land, the owl was injured, and the son lost his country. It's harder than robbery. If you kill a ghost, you will be injured by lightning. Wealth meets seals, and I am buried in the waves. If you lie down, you will die with Shan Ye. People use them to kill people instead of throwing themselves into the river. A group of fierce people enter the life, and when they die, they hang the beam. Seven kills will kill you, but you can't escape without a staff. Three sentences robbery, shoulder lock. When water meets punishment, the lips are full of teeth. It's not baldness but face that needs fire. A and B are both prosperous and have yellow and swollen faces. I am weak and my vision is blurred. When gold meets fire, it will cause illness, even the heart. The fire is full of water, and many people are blind because of their lives. Dark eyes and deafness, the Lord is weak in killing the ground, the waist is camel, the body is soft and bruised, the knife is mixed, and the pockmarked is killed. Dry blood blade, furuncle dysentery. Welcome guests every day, cover yourself with wealth and splendor. Every year, the official theory is due to the entanglement of the Heavenly Palace. The disease was born in the navel, only because gold was burned. When Gao Qing cut her tongue, because the wood was injured by gold, she was unable to cut her heart and her blood was dying. Gissing is strong and powerful, and the fire is in the tenth house. Seven kills without control, Han Xin made little contribution. When the god of food enters the water, Qu Yuan dies. Lu Duanma, Xiang Yu committed suicide in Wujiang River. The official prisoner was sealed and Yu Ji died in Jiuli. If you are killed, the geese are doomed. From light to heavy, Peng Zu was trapped for many years. Wood is born in spring, and life is long. Looking back to the east, you will be happy all your life. The official seal met an owl and once participated in it. The financial officer is prosperous and the road is square. Jinshui helps Yang, which is better than Pan An. When all printing stops, Yan Hui's pleasure will not decrease. If a rich official is rich, he will also be rich in Tao Zhu. Life is a solid palace, and its home is connected with the building. In the land of wealth, set up the main silver warehouse compartment. Lu is a scholar of Jinma Yutang. Imprisoned in prison, poor in mean alleys and cold in Confucianism. There are thousands of brave people, only because the top nine have driven them to kill. The heart is full of volumes, all because of its fullness. With the help of the sage, you are anxious to see the official. The good and evil of ordinary people is only because of the arrangement of the pattern. Wood is the master of benevolence, water is the master of wisdom, gold is the master of Taoism, fire is the master of ceremony, and soil is the master of faith. Wood enriches the people, is gentle, respectful and frugal, and the poor people talk nonsense. Wuji Fu You has faith, but the soldiers do nothing. The water is floating, and no one can rely on it. Fire is as hot as gold. If you stay for a long time, you will have it. Benevolence and righteousness are less in Jin Mu's war, and right and wrong are more in water and fire. Four pillars in one, it is easy to meet people. Break through faithfulness and speak out against injustice. How many expensive people there are, and people scattered in public affairs. Never leave prison after death, and return to the generation of soul dungeon. Six evils are abolished, and slaves come to slaves. Four pillars of punishment, brothers are right and wrong. Golden fire is stubborn, it must be a boudoir maid. The soil and water are heavy and turbid, and it is designated as a farmland farmer. Yin is absolutely empty, and it is used in front of the class. Official silver jade, bead curtain woman. Two seals support the body, and three dragons move. The official is expensive and the world is famous. Men should be healthy and energetic, and women should be pure and harmonious. If you want to know a moral person like Meng Mu, Tian Yue has two virtues in the same palace. You know, like beauty is beauty, water and Venus. Official prosperity, expensive husband, food consumption. When the school meets the post horse, it is clear and sensitive to learn from childhood. Kui Gang, who killed seven people, was proud and strong all his life. Wang Yin is in good health and likes to live in the market since he was a child. Kill shallow money and like yamen all your life. Being strong and wealthy, I will be happy to stay at home all my life. Being weak in wealth makes it difficult to keep one's ancestral business. Eternal life, Confucianism obeys the rules alone. Guidance is in the body, and virtue is in the heart. The prosperity of the five elements is defined as a generous person. If the four pillars are out of prison, they will be exhausted old men. When the three monsters meet, they are called generals in the war. The four pillars are born together, and they must be facing each other. Together, the seven kills are unscrupulous and strong. Officials on horseback are smart people. Many people are handsome and elegant, and the god of food is prosperous and fair. The weapon is heavier than the shoulder and hurts people. Neutral and simple, the official career is prosperous, and they are born together. It is wise to hurt and kill an official, and it is charitable to seal an official. Water is turbid and gold is stubborn, and you don't know the cross. The fire is bright and beautiful, and you can pass the five codes and three graves. There are many injured owls, all of whom are people who know right from wrong. It is better to be a thief than to kill seriously. When wealth meets gold, people who spit phoenix and carve dragons. Gold goes into the fire, copper strikes and iron strikes. Kill the blade seven times, and you can dance with a sword. If an official is injured, he can learn calligraphy, painting, piano and chess. It was transported into Xiaoxiang and damaged by the wall. When you were in the Jedi, you should know the dust on the chairs and stools. An officer who was seriously injured, Zheng came to defend his country. Life is all in one, and the Lord stirs up the Western Heaven. Worrying every night leads to three punishments and six harms in life. Drink in the morning, and drink in the pavilion. Killing a chaotic official is heavy, but it can be strong or weak, and it is ruined and is also a slave. Money never needs to be imprisoned. Since childhood, he has become a monk to worship Buddha, and his official fortune has declined. Teenagers have stayed in their ancestors to participate in Zen. Kill the strong, don't print, want to swim in the water, don't go to the hills. It is difficult to become a monk without wealth. Wealth should be a monk's way, and officials and prisoners should be nuns. When the days are together, six people will meet kindness. Moving for the servant, the palace of life is alone from the star. Yin and yang are absolutely empty, and the five elements are complete, so you can admire beauty and beauty. Seven kills the blade, and Lushi leads the knife to be picky. A handsome official, Meng Guang quoted Qi Mei. The official seal helps the body and lives by the door. Water and gold are intertwined, and we can see each other by drilling holes above the wall. C, Xin, Wu and Gui intersect and have an affair under the moon. Jia Ren is dirty, dancing and ringing the bell. Officials are weak in wealth, and they are biased first and then correct. Hurt the official seal, concubine first, then wife. There are more men than women, all because the yang is strong and the yin is weak. There are many boys and girls, just because the yin god is too heavy. Born in the middle, died in the dry side. Jinshui wounded official order, the first chapter of the Five Classics. It's only a matter of time before you become a groom. Often accompanied by the groom, three punishments and six harms all the way. Getting in at one stroke is a three-in-one and six-in-one thing. Read widely and learn from time to time. Learn more, earn less, and lose in one day. Strong or weak, wealth is determined by heaven. Punishment is harmful and expensive and cheap. God hides and kills the blessed. An empty and useless generation. Wealth comes at your beck and call, and you have to save money. When Lu's position was absolutely lost, he did seven or eight things. When you are ugly, you don't have children or raise them. Dystocia before childbirth in both places. Meridian, the sun and the moon collide, when the camel is lame. Shen Yin's age is relative, neither deaf nor dumb. At 2: 00 noon, my wife got remarried. Sangeng has never been himself, and his father has never seen him. A happy day must have three points of elegance. When Jiazi gave birth to a child, life was fair. Ding Mao was born in the sea every day, and his mind was full of traitors and treachery. When the ugly day is ugly, it is fair and thick. On the first day of the month, it must be a soft traitor The first wife is mean as soon as the child is born. When the moon rises, the son will not die. Chen Xu's ugliness went unpunished; he was neither deaf nor dumb. Breakthrough of meridians is either paralysis or limping. On a cloudy day in Mu Yi, there are ten widows in September. On the fire day of the whole year, there are three or four widows in five rooms. Destiny has four evils, and women are widowed. Once the blade is sharp, men must be childless. Two blades meet once in a year, breaking his wife. Two blades and three punishments, although the day is strong and evil. Three punishments and three blades, Chen Yuan is weak and lonely. Jia Rixin is an official, and he is a glorious guest. I have been applying for the palace for a long time, and I am greedy, poor and lowly. It is better to have no seal and no official, and it is not a monk or a Taoist. Prosperity has no talent or evil spirits, and it is either a Tao or a monk. Time flies, time closes, and the natives. The year is approaching, the days are in a hurry, and the flow of cheap industries. If Ermu kills the strong, March 9th in Shou Yuan will be over. Two fire officers, thirty-year-old guests. A man who kills three fortunes and two fires. On the meridian day, two girls were born in the left abdomen. Opposite the ugly palace, there is no mother underground. Ding Huo, the sun and the moon meet Wuji, the official reaches Yin Mao, and eventually becomes a thief. I met the meridian of Palace A and Palace B and died in a pit. When a tree is lonely, it is the same as the liver and lungs. In the year of water, when you were born, you were either poor or dead. Born on the third day, he won't live long. Four pillars are flourishing, but no official is seen. It's hard to get rich when three yuan is robbed. Five dead outlines, rich and childless. In June, the Fortune Palace met a horse, and people called it the talent of the Langmiao. Kill the blade in seven days and concentrate on making knives and guns. The sun met the owl, a poor man. Four sentences, four grams, four rectifications, adultery and treachery. The combination of the two is loyal and kind. Flying under the moon is not the blessing of parents. Every day I die, I can't escape Yanzi's sadness. Currently dead, crying all the year round, sitting down to grab the head, crying at the age of two. When the day is valuable, it will be robbed and the father will be defeated. Speaking of time, the adopted son disobeyed his father's orders. Those who commit crimes in the sky, adopt sons for corruption, and lose money and money are not married. Stopping in the palace, there is no house in the field, and it is difficult to make a living by running around day and night. Dark consumption, street hawking, big consumption reunion. The five elements should not be too many, the eight characters must be neutral, the entry must be too full, and the game is the most taboo. You must learn by heart. This is the God of Jianghu. The god of food creates evil spirits to make money, and wealth and wealth can be used. The god of food makes evil spirits meet owls, or they will die if they are not poor. Wealth meets evil parties and dies in childhood. Killing without blade is not obvious, and killing without blade is not severe. Kill both the blade and the fame and fortune. The wealth of the body is declining, and the financial officer becomes rich. A woman who is injured in an official must remarry, and a man who meets a sheep blade must remarry. Party A and Party B meet Jin Qiang, and their souls return to the northwest. There are fires everywhere in Geng Xin, and the gas is scattered from the south. The walls are sad from the earth to the wood. Everything is rich and the official is prosperous, and the father is rich. I have been injured in the past, and my parents are incomplete. When an official is injured, his children are endless. If an official is injured, he will lose his son. If you are injured, you will be blind if you are not lame. If an intellectual is suitable for prosperity, he will eventually achieve greatness. The sheep blade hurts the official with the same system, and the yellow label name. Chen Xu's ugliness went unpunished, and no one didn't give it away. Golden water hurts the cleverest officer, and wood fire hurts the officer. The soil gathers and the water is exhausted, and the ancestors leave the country. A person who is in a coma due to fire, inflammation and dryness. Years run to the moon and eventually leave your ancestors, and the day breaks the outline and damages your wife. Wang Yin was transported into the financial township, and his family naturally became rich. If the seal is light, it will suddenly dream of entering Conan. When the husband enters the grave, the husband dies first, and the god of food will be lost when he enters the grave. Chen Xu's ugliness is not solitary, and it is inferior to the whole case. Male prisoners are lonely and female prisoners are nuns. The numerology is subtle and can't escape the theory. In this way, scholars who can ignore it are the treasure of numerology.