However, Premier Zhou said, "The ancestors of China people are very real. Our zodiac signs are opposite, and the six divisions in the wheel of karma reflect all the expectations and demands of our ancestors for the people of China. "
"The first group is rats and cows. Rats represent wisdom and cows represent diligence. Wisdom and diligence must be closely combined. If wisdom is not diligent, it becomes smart; Diligence without thinking becomes stupidity. So the two must be combined. This is the first set of expectations and requirements of our ancestors for China people, and it is also the most important group. "
"The second group are tigers and rabbits. Tigers represent courage, rabbits represent caution. Courage and prudence must be closely combined to achieve the so-called boldness and prudence. Courage leaves caution, and it becomes recklessness. If you are not brave, blind caution becomes timidity. This group is also very important, so it is placed in the second place. So when we show caution, don't think that we China people have no courage. In fact, our ancestors pursued a kind of harmonious wisdom and harmony, and never gave a single request or task.
"The third group is dragons and snakes. The dragon represents tenacity, and the snake represents flexibility. The so-called rigidity is easy to break, and those who are too rigid are easy to break, but if there is only a soft side, it is easy to lose their minds, so it is our ancestral motto to combine rigidity with softness. "
"The fourth group is horses and sheep. Horses represent courage, go straight to the goal, and sheep represent harmony. If a person only cares about himself and goes straight to the goal, regardless of the surrounding environment, he will inevitably bump into the surrounding environment and may not be able to achieve his goal in the end. But if a person is condescending and integrated with his surroundings, he will lose his direction and goal. Therefore, the indomitable spirit must be closely combined with harmony, which is the fourth group of expectations of our ancestors for China people.
"The fifth group is monkeys and chickens. Monkeys represent flexibility. As for chickens, there was no clock in the past, and the beginning of the day was decided by the crowing of chickens, so the crowing of chickens was regular and represented stability. Flexibility and stability must be closely combined. If you are flexible and unstable, no matter how good the policy is, there will be no gain in the end. But if you were just stable, a stagnant pool and a monolithic plate, there would be no good day for us today. There is only a very harmonious combination between them. On the one hand, it has stability, maintaining overall harmony and order, and on the other hand, it can continue to develop flexibly. This is the most fundamental essence. "
"The last group is dogs and pigs. Dogs represent loyalty and pigs represent easygoing. If a person is too loyal and doesn't know how to be easy-going, he will exclude others. On the other hand, if a person is too easy-going and has no loyalty, he will lose his principles. Therefore, whether it is loyalty to a nation-state, loyalty to a team, or loyalty to one's own ideals, it must be closely combined with easygoing, so that it is easy to truly maintain deep loyalty. This is what we in China have always insisted, that a gentleman is harmonious but different.