Original text: It is born in the noon month of Bing. It contains Ji earth and can control water. It is especially suitable to bring wealth and wear a seal. If Wu is born in the noon month, the dryness of Bing fire will penetrate the fire situation of the branch, and the blade will be transformed into a seal, whether for official or killing. If it penetrates, the blade will be removed and the seal will be preserved, and the pattern will be clearer. If the wealth is killed and disclosed, it will violate the taboo of sealing and preserving the killing, and does not make an example of life and death, and wealth will be lost
Interpretation: Bing fire was born in the Yang blade pattern of the noon month, due to the noon fire If there is Ji earth in the middle, it can harm the official, so it can defeat the official. Therefore, this kind of horoscope must be accompanied by wealth and seals to prevent Ji earth from hurting the official and ruining the character. If Wu Tu was born in the Wu month, the heavenly stems will reveal Bing fire, and the earthly branches will be in the fire position, then the sun blade of the Wu fire will be transformed into the seal star. At this time, there may be officials or killings, and it will become the seal of killing. The grid is clearer. If the two stars of Wealth and Killing are combined, then the Wealth Star will break the killing pattern of Yang Blade and the Killing Pattern of Seal and Lai, and the native will find it difficult to be wealthy.