Synonyms for famous mountain undertakings

Question 1: Idioms and idioms about careers filled with gold and jade

Pinyin: jīn yù mǎn táng Simplified Pinyin: jymt

Synonyms: pile up gold and jade Antonyms: family disciples surrounded by walls

Explanation: The house is filled with gold and jade. Describes a lot of wealth. Also described as rich in knowledge.

Source: Chapter 9 of "Laozi" by Li Er in Pre-Qin Dynasty: "A house full of gold and jade, no one can defend it."

Famous Mountain Business

Pinyin: míng shān shì yè Simplified Pin: mssy

Explanation: Refers to works.

Source: Wang Xiyan's "Country Friends": "Zhuang Daogeng has been hiding in the cultural center and big cities, concentrating on his career in famous mountains.