"Do you know why Wang has been so thin?" When the reporter shook his head, Fu Biao said mysteriously, "I figured it out this time. It turned out that it was not malnutrition. " It turned out that a few days ago, the two met by chance, and Fu Biao asked Wang for advice on performance experience. Wang thinks that TV plays are much more difficult to perform than movies, because TV plays are too long, and you have to figure out how to perform each episode, so the pressure is the same. "This kind of pressure makes Wen Zhi very tired. Think about it, he is in a state of tension and fatigue all day, will he be fat? " "So you are so fat because you are not thinking about acting?" The reporter was joking on purpose. "I'm also thinking about it. You see that your hair is' ground' white. " Let the reporter see the hidden white hair.