Why do I always have suicidal thoughts?

You may have depression. You can take the "SCL-90 Self-Rating Symptom Scale" to know whether you have depression. The scale has reliability and validity and can be measured. The results are reliable and the scale is available for download online. You can also check the symptoms of depression. If you have the following symptoms and have them for more than three months at the same time, you may have depression.

The symptoms of depression mainly include the following aspects:

1. Low mood: often manifested as frowning, upset, low self-evaluation, self-blame or guilt Feelings of pessimism and disappointment about the future, repeated thoughts of death or suicide or self-harm, and low mood that is heavy during the day and light at night.

2. Slow thinking: slow thinking, difficulty in association, decreased conscious thinking ability, slow response to stimuli, difficulty in concentration, and memory loss.

3. Reduction and slowness of speech and movement: less speech, low voice, often sitting alone and not interacting with others, loss of hobbies and fun of life, loss of energy, fatigue, slow movement when walking, and in severe cases, It reaches the level of depressive stupor without eating, drinking, talking or moving.

4. In addition, physical symptoms such as nausea, palpitations, chest tightness, and sweating may also occur during a depressive episode. Male patients may experience impotence, while female patients may experience loss of sex appeal or amenorrhea. At the same time, there may also be symptoms such as insomnia, early awakening or excessive sleep, decreased appetite, and significant weight loss.