However, when Mu Yi was born in Haiyue, because Haiyue contained Ren and Jia, Mu got its roots. After all, the water in winter is too cold, and it is ugly when it is born, and the fire is vented to the soil. Ding Huo, the god of food, declined and flourished, while the water in ugliness flourished and was cold. It is necessary to use two dry soils to make water, and dry fire to warm the wood and dispel the cold, so that the wood can flourish.
The sea and the moon are the places where wood grows and where wood is supported by the sun. Japanese wood has deep and strong roots, and domestic wood is most afraid of seeing too much water. However, the water in the sea is not dry, and the wood in the sea has water. Although the sea is full of water, it will not affect the wood, and the yin is full of propafenone, which has become a medicine for life.
There are two gangs, seawater and getting angry. The wood is immortal, and the second piece of wood was returned to Shi Mao. The root of the yen is strong. When it dries up, its local wealth is in the same position as the land. Wealth is empty, but it is not real. To build a prosperous land, Ding Huo, the god of food, can be used to hurt officials and burn fire, which is called "eating and hurting to make money".
Born on the moon, I am extremely angry and prosperous. When Chen Geng was born, Geng Jin, an official in Mu Yi, was full of enthusiasm. Geng Jin was very affectionate to Mu Yi, and the official came to see me. Chen Zhi has Gui Shui, and Yue Shi has Ren Shui. Both Ren and Gui water are flourishing and cold, and the trend of wood gas is enhanced. Fire is urgently needed to drive away the cold, and cold wood can flourish in the sun.
As the saying goes, it is forbidden to flush the library in a native place. The following is a good example. The wood of the moon in the sea, the watermark of the water in the sea, the wood of the yen, the fire in the middle of the time, the warm and cold wood flourish in the sun. Because the branches of the four pillars have collided with each other, water, gold and wood have been damaged. The yen keeps depreciating. It is necessary to use pubic hair wood to close the sea to avoid collision. C fire in the fire can warm the wood. Remember: avoid rushing in the raw land and rushing in the library.
Ebony Yan was born in the moon and was born at noon. The watermark in the sea is dry, and the watermark in winter wood is dry. The water is too strong, the trees float and the roots are blocked. The fire in the afternoon had enough firepower to remove cold water and warm wood, but it was weakened by the influence of watermark. You need to use five elements of fire to help the king or bentonite as water.
B Wood is born in the land of wood, and there is a piece of warm wood hidden in the warm land. Born in the same month and month, the Japanese yen is strong. As the saying goes, the auspicious spirit should be secular, but it should not be revealed. This is a taboo for the yen. Although it is dry, it is made of soil, and the tide will not affect Ding Huo. There are a lot of fire, earth, grain and wealth in the four pillars, which is more beneficial to the yen.
When dry wood and yen are rooted in the moon, the yen is strong. Shen Zhi hides the water, gets its water source, and then joins the water in the sea. The cold water is too strong, and its trend is like exposing the dry water in the sky. Seeing this flourishing water, the winter wood needs thick bentonite, and the wood can be heated by C fire to restore its vitality.
In addition to hiding the watermark of the moon, Mu Yi also has the ability to rob money to support the future, which is neutral. Time-saving gold is the seven kills of Japanese yen and Japanese wood. Gold gives birth to water, water is supplemented by gold, and water is full of momentum. Born in winter, the water is prosperous and cold, and the second wood becomes frozen wood. In order to bring frozen wood back to life, it is necessary to bring fire soil to make water.
Although the moon has seized the land, the watermark of winter has frozen the ebony. Fortunately, when alive, the ebony has enough firepower to thaw and warm the wood, and the cold wood is sunny, and it can come out when it is dry. Dongmu makes a living by venting, which is the most obvious in this life.
Ebony's yen root is in the monthly branch and the time branch. In winter, the water of Renshui is in the sea, and the water of Renshui is very prosperous. When Ding Huo was injured, he lost his firepower. The weather in the four pillars is dry, so it is urgent to warm the wood with C fire and make water with dry soil. It is forbidden to have water to dry, otherwise the water will be too full of wood and lose its vitality.