Some people say that there are people who cut their swords to death in men's Tang Yin, or they have more daughters. If they have sons, they can't support themselves. Please help me understand the frie

Some people say that there are people who cut their swords to death in men's Tang Yin, or they have more daughters. If they have sons, they can't support themselves. Please help me understand the friends who know physiognomy and horoscope. Come on, chop the sword in the middle. You're not, and it's to the left, with your tail close to the corner of your eye. This is called hanging can seal, which is close to Sichuan character. This kind of person is a fierce person, introverted and fierce in appearance. In fact, he is very popular and not good at words. This kind of person still belongs to the kind of person who was born in poverty but came from behind. Men are people with strong self-control and can accomplish things.