1. There are ten heavenly branches: A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui. There are twelve earthly branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. The sequence of the two can produce sixty units, called sixty Jiazi.
2. The year, month, day, and hour of birth are represented by the heavenly stems and the earth's dominance and combination respectively. There are exactly eight characters, so it is called the birth date. There are also five elements in the birth date. Among the ten heavenly stems, A and B belong to wood, Bing and Ding belong to fire, Wu and Ji belong to earth, Geng and Xin belong to metal, and Ren and Gui belong to water.
3. Among the twelve earthly branches, Yin and Mao belong to wood, Si and Wu belong to fire, Shen and You belong to metal, Hai and Zi belong to water, Chen, Shu, Chou and Wei belong to earth. In this way, based on the birth date and horoscope, you can deduce what is missing in your life. The ancients believed that the five elements must be present before your destiny will be prosperous.