What is the postal code of Qinhuangdao?

The postal code is 066000.

According to the postal code database, the postal code of Qinhuangdao City is 066000, with the first two digits 06 representing Hebei Province, the third digit 6 representing Qinhuangdao City, the fourth digit 0 representing seaport area and the last two digits 00 representing specific delivery areas.

Qinhuangdao is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province. It is located in the northeast of Hebei Province, the west coast of Bohai Sea, the center of Bohai Rim region, and the junction of the two economic zones of North China and Northeast China. It has a warm temperate and semi-humid continental monsoon climate. The land area is 7802 square kilometers, and the sea area is 1805 square kilometers.