Can it be said that if the prediction is accurate in the past, it will be inaccurate in the future? What is reflected is only the level of the forecaster, not the change of the horoscope itself. That horoscope has never changed. It will remain the same as before and in the future. For example, let's say I want to measure the weather now. Of course I know whether it was sunny or rainy in the past week. I then use the weather in these days to infer the weather in the next few days. Generally, the accuracy will be relatively high, right? (If it has been sunny for the past few days, there is a high chance that it will be sunny for the next few days.) But the weather is unpredictable. The sun may have been shining brightly the past few days, but it may rain heavily tomorrow. At this time, my prediction was wrong. In fact, no matter whether I predict it will be sunny or rainy in the next few days, the weather will not change based on my prediction. It will be sunny when it should be sunny and rain when it should rain. It's just my prediction that's wrong and it won't have any impact on the facts. In other words, the forecaster faces this fate just like I face the weather. Forecasters calculate past events as easily as I know the weather for the past few days. But the weather in the next few days will not change due to my prediction, and the horoscope will not change due to the forecaster's prediction. The destiny of the horoscope has always been there, unshakable and unchanging. No matter how others predict it, it just runs according to its own rules. Therefore, even if a forecaster is accurate in predicting past events but inaccurate in predicting future events, it cannot be said that fate can be changed.
Destiny has never been changed, is it destined? I don’t know if I am right to say this?