Foot shapes can be divided into:
under pronation (under pronation, also called eversion), neutral/normal (normal), over pronation (excessive pronation).
Cushion system (cushion):
Mainly suitable for normal feet, no excessive internal/external splay, no serious sprains, and when running with the forefoot touching the ground, no need Overemphasis on arch support and heel correction functions, suitable for beginners with smaller bodies.
Mainly suitable for those who need a certain amount of arch support and heel correction, have slightly inward/outward splayed feet, the back of the foot is on the ground, and often need to run The feet are supported and protected, and the running shoes are slightly heavier. Most running shoes on the market fall into two categories: cushion and stability, and the performance difference between the two is small.
Motion control:
Mainly suitable for severe splayed feet, sprained feet, poor ankle strength, overweight, full foot landing when running, need more support More support and posture correction to prevent injuries. Compared with the previous two types of running shoes, control running shoes are heavier and have stronger protection and cushioning properties.