Let's have an eight-character chapter

Zhang Zi asked Confucius: Wen Zi, Ling Yin of Chu State (equivalent to prime minister), served as Ling Yin for three times. People admired his honor, but he didn't show joy. He was dismissed from office three times, and people sympathized with him, and he had no resentment. Anger and shame. What is even more rare is that when he dismissed from office, he also told his successors what he had done in the past, without any doubt or jealousy. What does the master think of such a person? Confucius said, "Anyone who suffers from loss or gain is jealous of virtue and avoids energy. He only cares about himself and doesn't think about the country. They are all disloyal to the country. " . Wen Zi is a man who doesn't covet the title of imperial court, but he devotes himself to some political affairs of the country. He is really a loyal minister for the country. Zhang Zi asked again: Wen Zi can do what people can't. Can he be said to be benevolent? Confucius said: Benevolence is in the heart, not in the matter. Although Wen Zi showed great loyalty, he still didn't know what his heart was. If there is a little fame and fortune, it is selfishness. He is not a pure and upright person. How can you easily say that he is a benevolent?