What if someone with a seal can't solve the meeting?

People who have seals refer to seals endowed with some kind of power or magic, which can restrict or prohibit them from using some kind of ability or releasing some kind of power. People who cannot unlock the seal may face the following situations:

1. Cannot use specific abilities: The seal may restrict the use of people's abilities or skills. This may make them incompetent or unable to play their full potential in some aspects.

2. Restraint or bondage: A seal may impose restrictions on a person's body or actions, making him unable to move freely or be bound. This may cause them to become isolated or unable to participate in certain activities in some ways.

3. Impaired health: Some seals may have negative effects on people's physical or mental state, such as weakening the body or causing diseases. This may damage their health and even put them in danger.

4. Unable to cope with threats: If a person can't unlock the seal, they may not be able to effectively cope with threats or dangers. This may make them vulnerable or vulnerable. The influence of the seal will vary according to the specific situation, depending on the power of the seal, the intention of the giver, personal ability and other factors.