Quarter note stick figure

Quarter note: A note with only one black dot is called a quarter note. Below is a quarter note stick figure I shared for your reference!

Quarter note stick figure

Brief introduction of quarter notes

Quarter note: A note with only one black dot is called a quarter note. It's half smaller than half a note. (It is equal to the duration of the whole note 1/4) Then half of a quarter note is an eighth note. An eighth note is a sixteenth note.

Introduced music notation.

‖ ∮

Rising (#), falling (b), Shuang Sheng (×), double falling (bb)(⌒), hyphen (. ), dot (∞), crescendo (||), double vertical bar (||:) (|| |), tone sandhi mark with repeated mark.

1: A semitone sign (#) indicates that the basic volume is raised by semitone.

2: The falling tone symbol (b) indicates that the basic sound level is lowered by a semitone.

3: The double rising sign (×) indicates that the basic sound level is raised by two semitones (a whole tone).

4: Re-scaling (bb) means that the basic sound level is reduced by two semitones (one whole tone).

5: The lowering mark (ヰ) indicates that the raised or lowered sound is lowered.