life is male, the sun is dry, the sun is strong, and the first child is male. The sun is dry, the yin is branched, and the first-born child is female.
female, dry in the shade, with branches, and the firstborn is male. The sun is dry, the sun is branched and the first child is a girl.
Look at the life of the first boy and girl with the birth of a man and a woman, and look at the life of the first boy and girl. Wechat official account: Li Lin s eight-character numerology warmly welcomes your attention.
man, work day after day, and the first child is a man. The first son, such as dry day and dry day, or dry day and dry day, match, official killing, etc. It's a woman.
female, goes to work every day, and her first child is male. The first son, such as dry day and dry day, or dry day and dry day, match, official killing, etc. It's a woman.
Look at the first-born boys and girls with the daily support and time column of husband and wife.
For example, both husband and wife have yang branches and yin columns, and the old teacher is a man with a daughter.
For example, the S-day branch of husband and wife is Yin, the hour column is Yang, and the teacher and daughter have children.
Look at the first-born boys and girls according to the relationship between yin and yang in work.
Men's life, working years and working hours are the same daily work. The first child gives birth to a man.
I am the first girl born, I am the first girl born.
female, who works by the year and by the hour, is a gay thing. The first child is a female.
I have been doing things for my friends of the opposite sex for many years. I am the eldest son.
Based on the sun and the sun, it seems that the first child is a boy or a girl.
The trick is to go first when the sun is shining, the old teacher when the sun is cloudy, the girls when the sun is cloudy, and the boys when the sun is cloudy.