Mercury: Its period of revolution is 87.97 Earth days (about 90 days) and its rotation period is 58.65 Earth days.
Venus: It orbits the period of revolution of the Earth for 224.7 Earth days (about 225 days) and rotates (reversely) for 243 Earth days.
Earth: Its period of revolution has 365.26 Earth days, and its rotation period is 1 Earth day.
Mars: period of revolution around the sun has 686.98 earth days, and its rotation period is 1.026 earth days.
Jupiter: period of revolution revolves around the sun 1 1.86 earth years (about 12 years), with a rotation of 0.4 14? Earth day.
Saturn: Its period of revolution is 29.46 Earth years (about 30 years) and its rotation period is 0.436 Earth days.
Uranus: It revolves around the sun. The period of revolution is 84.8 1 earth year, and rotates (horizontally) for 0.72 earth days.
Neptune: around period of revolution 164.8 Earth Year (about 165), autobiography 16. 1 1 hour.
Pluto: makes one revolution around the sun, period of revolution lasts for 248 years, 197 days and 5.5 hours, and its rotation period is 6 days and 9 hours, 17.6 minutes.
Eight planets:
Eight planets refer to eight celestial bodies with sufficient mass that orbit the sun. They are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Different from the concept of nine planets mentioned before 2006, Resolution No.5 adopted at the 26th International Astronomical Union held in Prague on August 24th, 2006 classified Pluto as a dwarf planet and excluded it from the nine planets in the solar system.