Five elements of happiness and taboo: Geng Sheng Yin Yue, Tian Gan Tou Mu Yi, is wealth. The eight characters seem to be thriving, but wealth and killing are in harmony. There is no armor in the bureau, and the soil is weak. The eight characters are printed on the land, and overdraft is hidden. The ground is ugly, the soil is prosperous and the gold is buried, and the seal is too prosperous. Although India is prosperous, it is weak in the ground and should be treated as a weak body. Five elements like gold and hi-wood; Avoid fire and soil.
Marriage: when the yen is sitting, the relationship between husband and wife is better. But the weak body kills the seal, and the seven kills are taboo. In other words, although the relationship between husband and wife is good, her husband can't really help her. Children: women's lives take the god eater as their children. The eight-character owl seal is too strong, killing seven people can't kill the soil, and it is difficult to get pregnant. I haven't been pregnant for years after I got married. At present, the Universiade is in the new temple in Tierra del Fuego, 2014.205438+05.438+06.205438+07. I haven't seen food injuries in these years. Universiade is a place of fire, which is not conducive to pregnancy.
This year's reform movement, the owl god is too prosperous, which is not conducive to pregnancy, and this year is hopeless. I will be pregnant next year, and I will run away from god. I may be pregnant next year.