For men, the Taiyin star is in the palace of husband and wife. If Taiyin sits in the palace of husband and wife, will the spouse be handsome?

Everyone’s marriage direction has been determined since birth. When to fall in love, when to get married, and whether the married life is happy or not, we can draw conclusions from the couple palace. People whose zodiac signs have the Taiyin star in the palace of husband and wife have different effects on women and men. For men, they prefer women with gentle temperament.

Characteristics of men whose natal Taiyin star is in the palace of husband and wife

For men whose natal Taiyin star is in the palace of husband and wife, most of these men prefer gentle and beautiful women, and they themselves The conditions are also relatively good. They have outstanding characteristics in a certain aspect, or have good results in a certain aspect or industry, especially in their behavior, they have the temperament of a noble man.

The palace of husband and wife has the characteristics of a Taiyin spouse

The Taiyin star is in the palace of husband and wife. Taiyin has the property of beautifying and beautifying. When it sits in the palace of husband and wife, it indicates that the personality of the spouse of the native is weak. And not decisive. Regardless of men and women, if Taiyin resides in the palace of husband and wife, the person must be a guardian of the giant star system, and his spouse must be handsome. This is mainly because for people who are guardians of the giant door, it is actually not absolute that the lunar star will be in the palace of husband and wife. beauty. Only when the triads are on Changqu can the beauty of the spouse be truly achieved. However, if the Taiyin falls in the house of husband and wife, it will not have a good impact, but will have a greater negative impact on the native's marriage, making it difficult to get married.

Love pattern of Taiyin in the palace of husband and wife

1. People with Taiyin in the palace of husband and wife, regardless of men and women, like Jia Baoyu or Lin Daiyu of the opposite sex. They pursue romance. The view of love is that as long as love does not require bread, it is a more idealistic love.

2. They are emotional and introverted. They yearn for spiritual love, which is noble and elegant and cannot be touched.

3. Most people are pessimists when it comes to love. They dare not pursue it bravely and express their true inner thoughts.

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