How to connect the big circle and the small circle? Woodworking drawing

Determine the center of the circle, determine the radius, draw a big circle, draw a small circle, and trim the arc.

1. Determine the center: determine the center of the great circle. You can use the center drill and locator to help determine the center.

2. Determine the radius: determine the radius of the big circle and the radius of the small circle.

3. Draw a great circle: use compasses and scribers to draw a great circle with the center of the great circle as the benchmark and the radius of the great circle as the radius.

4. Draw a small circle: draw a small circle with the radius of the small circle as the radius. You can use a small center drill and locator to determine the center of a small circle.

5. Trim the arc: Trim the arc with woodworking trimming tools to make the arc smooth and meet the requirements.