Clinical manifestations of congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia

The typical congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia is 1/3 children's leg flexion deformity or pseudarthrosis, and the affected limb is shortened. Crawford classification is the most commonly used classification method in clinic.

The four types classified by Crawford have anterior tibial arch (1986).

Type 1. Ⅰ

At the apex of the deformity, the opening of bone marrow cavity and the thickening of cortical bone can be observed. These patients usually have a good prognosis, and some may not even have a fracture.

2. The second category

Type ⅱ is defined as thickening of medullary cavity and cortical bone, and loss of trabecular bone.

3.type Ⅲ

Type III is characterized by cystic disease, and patients in this type may have fractures. Patients with this type of pseudojoint will have early fractures, so early treatment is needed.

4. The fourth category

Type ⅳ pseudarthrosis of tibia is characterized by pseudarthrosis of tibia and possible fibula nonunion.