★ Emperor Jiaqing-Mianxin: the fourth son of Jiaqing. In the twenty-fourth year of Jiaqing, Prince Rui was appointed. After eight years of Daoguang, I was pregnant. -Yi Zhi: Mian Xin's only son. Daoguang attacked the king of Ruijun in the eighth year. Thirty years later, I became "sensitive". -Zai Xun: Yi Zhi's adopted son, the sixth son of Ben Yi Xuan. In the thirteenth year of Guangxu, he was not granted eight points to assist the Lord protector. Fifteen years of Jin Fu frenzy. Sixteen years of Jin Town. Twenty-eight years of adoption, baylor. In thirty-four years, he was awarded the title of king of the county.
☆ Emperor Daoguang-Yi Yi: the eighth son of Daoguang. In the 3 th year of Daoguang, the king of Zhong County was sealed. After seven years of tongzhi, he died. -Zai Tao: Yi Yi's heir, the seventh son of Ben Yi Xuan. In the sixteenth year of Guangxu, he was awarded the second-class general of the town. I won't be promoted to eight points to assist the Lord protector. Twenty-three years of adoption to Yi Mo. Twenty-eight years later, it was changed to the king of Zhong County and attacked Baylor. In thirty-four years, he was awarded the title of king of the county.
★ Emperor Jiaqing-Mianyu: the fifth son of Jiaqing. In the twenty-fifth year of Jiaqing, the king of Huijun was granted. Prince Jinhui in the 19th year of Daoguang. Three years of tongzhi, the "end". -Yi Mo: Mian Yu's sixth son. Xianfeng ten years sealed into the town of eight points. Tongzhi three years Jin Zhen Guo Gong. Eleven years plus Beizi title. Jin Beizi in Guangxu ten years. Gabaile title for fifteen years. Thirty-one years old.