What is clubfoot like?
Baby clubfoot icon
Baby clubfoot icon
As shown in these pictures, the popular explanation of clubfoot is that the baby's feet stand on tiptoe and bend in the direction of the foot center, which looks like a horseshoe, so it is called clubfoot.
How did clubfoot come from?
Baby clubfoot icon
Baby's horseshoe foot is due to the abnormal development of tendons and ligaments (posterior medial side) of the foot during development, which makes these tendons and ligaments unable to keep pace with other development, causing these tendons and ligaments to pull the foot downward and medial, leading to the downward and medial torsion of the foot, forming the appearance of horseshoe foot varus.
Why is there such a deformed development?
Icon of clubfoot
This is related to many factors, such as neonatal varus, neurogenic horseshoe foot, cerebral palsy horseshoe foot and so on. Some of these factors can be recovered by manual treatment for a period of time, while others need surgery or even lifelong training.
Of course, regardless of the severity, the most important thing is to do early examination and treatment, so that the mild illness can be cured directly and the serious illness can be effectively controlled, so don't be afraid of medical treatment when encountering such problems.