From the front, the forelimbs should be straight. Viewed from the side, the forelimbs should be directly below the chest, and the joints should be directly below the highest point of the shoulders, and should not protrude or invaginate. Feet should be straight ahead. Short legs, an external figure of eight or an internal figure of eight, and protruding leg joints are also defects.
Beauty tips:
To make the short legs look a little longer, don't cut any hair on the trunk, cut the leg hair a little shorter, and then cut the hair on the ribs and chest; Let the legs look longer, and you can gradually lengthen the hair from the ribs to the chest; If your legs are too close together, leave proper hair outside your legs. If the legs are too open, keep proper hair on the inner leg and cut off the hair on the outer leg.
Hind legs and buttocks
To evaluate a dog's hind legs, you must have a certain curvature from the side. The thighs are muscular, and the legs are parallel but not protruding or invaginated, perpendicular to the ground. Look at the poodle from the back. Legs should be in a straight line. Cattle-shaped bent legs, sickle-shaped bent legs, short or splayed legs and too thin thighs are all defects.
Beauty tip: When you look at a poodle from behind, your legs should be in two straight lines. When trimming the cow-shaped bent leg, the hair on the outside of the leg should be kept and the hair on the inside should be cut short. Shortening and lengthening the hair on the legs can cover up the defects of short legs and long legs.