How long should I wear braces for orthodontics?

The duration of orthodontic braces is determined by three factors: first, the condition of teeth; The second is the choice of orthosis; The third is age. Although there are no exact figures, it is not a day or two. It takes at least one year to correct teeth with braces. Moreover, each patient's tooth deformity is different, the orthodontic treatment method is different, and how long it takes to wear braces will be different. If multiple teeth need to be extracted, the orthodontic time will be relatively long.

Of course, for adults, besides orthodontics, beauty crowns are also a good choice. Compared with orthodontics, the biggest advantage of beauty crown lies in time. Your deformed teeth can be repaired as soon as 1 hour, without any negative effects. Plastic teeth look lifelike, natural and unadorned.