The personality of a man who walks in a pigeon-toed way

In our daily study and life, once we find that there are internal or external splayed feet, we should pay attention to correct them in time. If a parent has internally or externally splayed feet, we must pay close attention to the walking and running posture. Problems are corrected promptly.

Before any treatment or correction, you should first figure out what causes your pigeon-toed characters. Do not blindly believe that a certain method can change all problems.

The key to correcting leg shape is to restore the normal line of force of the lower limbs, that is, to return the bones to their normal position.

Cui Qingguo uses "minimally invasive orthopedic acupuncture". Neiba is divided into congenital factors and acquired factors. Congenital factors are mainly caused by genetics and disease factors in infants and young children, and most of them are bone changes. The most common acquired factors are caused by bad living habits and posture, mostly caused by soft tissue imbalance. Secondly, there are quasi-genetic factors. If the parents have pigeon-toed legs, the child will learn walking habits and imitate the behaviors, which will also lead to pigeon-toed legs. This is also a case of soft tissue imbalance and pigeon-toed legs.