What kind of dog is suitable for raising in Shenzhen?

The overall structure of the Samoyed dog (a) Introduction The Samoyed dog was originally a working dog and often appeared in beautiful pictures. Alert, powerful, very lively, noble and elegant. Because he is a working dog in cold areas, he has a very thick coat that can withstand various weather conditions. Good grooming and very good coat texture are more important than hair quantity, and the male's "scoop" is thicker than the female's. His back cannot be too long. A weak back makes him unable to perform his normal work and loses his value as a working dog. However, at the same time, a body that is too compact is also very disadvantageous for a towing dog. Breeders should adopt a compromise, with a body that is not long but well muscled, exceptions allowed; a very deep chest with well sprung ribs; a strong neck; straight forequarters and a very strong loin. The male appears majestic in appearance without unnecessary aggression; the female appears delicate in appearance or structure but does not appear weak in temperament. The female's back may be slightly longer than the male's. Their appearance all appears to be of great endurance, but not rough. Because of the deep chest, the legs must be of sufficient length. A dog with very short legs is highly undesirable. The hindquarters appear well developed, the stifles are moderately sloping, and any problem with the stifles or bullocks will be severely punished. The overall appearance also includes movement and overall structure, which should appear balanced, harmonious, and in excellent physical condition. (b) Physique Physique is to have sufficient bone mass and muscles. For a dog of this size, the bones are much thicker than expected, but they should not be too excessive and affect flexibility and speed. This is in the structure of the Samoyed dog. It is very important that the bones are in proper proportion to the body. The Samoyed dog's bone mass should not be too large to look clumsy, nor should it be too small to look like a racing dog. Proper proportion of weight to height. (c) Height: Male: 21~23.5 inches; Female: 19~21 inches. Any Samoyed that is too large or too small will be penalized according to the degree of deviation. (d) Coat (texture and condition) The Samoyed dog has a double coat. The body is covered with a short, dense, soft, fluffy, close-to-skin undercoat. The overcoat is the thicker and thicker layer through the undercoat. The hair is long and stands erect on the surface of the body and must not be curled. The fur forms a "scoop" around the neck and shoulders (more on males than on females). The quality of hair is related to whether it can withstand various climates, so quality is more important than quantity. A droopy coat is undesirable. The coat should shimmer with silver. The coat of females is usually not as long as that of most males and is softer in texture. (e) Color: The color of the Samoyed is pure white; white with very light brown or cheese color; overall light brown. In addition, other colors are disqualified. [Action] (a) Gait: The Samoyed dog's gait is a trot, not a pace. His movements are brisk, flexible, and his steps are rhythmic. The gait is smooth, smooth and powerful, with sufficient extension of the forequarters and strong driving force of the hindquarters. When trotting, the rear body drive is very powerful. When walking slowly or trotting, the footprints do not overlap. When the speed increases, the foot pads shrink inward. Finally, the footprints fall under the center line of the body, the footprints of the hind limbs fall on the footprints of the forelimbs, and the hind limbs slide forward. The knee joint neither bends in nor turns outward. Keep your back strong, solid, and level. A choppy, unnatural gait is a fault. (b) Hind limbs The first thigh section is very well developed, and the angle of the hind knee joint is appropriate (approximately 45 degrees to the ground). The hocks are well developed and well defined, located at 30% of the height. In the natural standing position, viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel to each other and strong; well developed; turning neither in nor out. Stifles that are too straight are to be faulted. Double seams or corrugation are also faults. Determining whether a dog has a bovine limb can only be determined if you have the opportunity to see the dog in full exercise. (c) Forelimbs The forelimbs (above the ankles) are straight and parallel to each other; the ankles are strong, strong, straight, but quite flexible, with elastic feet. Due to the deep chest, the forelimbs must be of sufficient length, with the distance from the ground to the elbow accounting for approximately 55% of the height at the withers. A dog with very short legs is highly undesirable. The shoulder blades are long and sloping, tilted back at an angle of about 45 degrees, and the position is stable. Shoulder blades or elbows turned outward is a fault. The withers are about 1 to 1.5 inches apart. (d) Feet: The feet are long, large, and somewhat flat (like rabbit feet). The toes are slightly spread, but not too wide; the toes are arched; the pads are thick and hard, and there are protective hairs between the toes. In a natural standing position, the feet should neither turn in nor turn out, but a slight inward turn would be more attractive. Turned toes, pigeon feet, and rounded feet (cat feet) are all faults. The feathers on the paws are not important, but females generally have richer feathers than males. [Head] (a) Structure: The head is wedge-shaped and wide. The top of the head is slightly convex, but not arched or like an apple head. The ears and the center point of the stop form an equilateral triangle. Muzzle: Medium length and width, neither rough nor too long, tapering slightly toward the nose and in correct proportion to the overall size and width of the skull. The muzzle must be deep and the beard does not need to be removed. Stop: Not stiff, but clear. Lips: Black, with the corners of the mouth slightly upward, forming a characteristic "Satsuma smile". The lip line does not appear harsh, nor does the upper lip appear excessively droopy. Ears: Ears are strong and thick; erect; triangular in shape with slightly rounded tips; not too large or pointed, nor too small (like bear ears).

Ear size is determined based on head size and overall size. They should be widely spaced apart, near the outer edge of the head, and should appear flexible; covered with lots of hair, which should be full but not in front of the ears. The length of the ears should be the same as the distance from the inside of the ear to the outer corner of the eye. Eyes Darker eyes are preferred, set widely apart and deep; almond-shaped; lower eyelids point toward the base of the ears. Dark eye circles are ideal. Round or protruding eyes are a fault; blue eyes are a disqualification. Nose Black is preferred, but brown, liver, and charcoal gray are also acceptable. Sometimes, the color of the nose changes with age and climate. Jaws and Teeth: Strong, regular teeth with a scissors bite. An overshot or undershot bite is to be faulted. (b) Expression The expression is the "Satsuma expression", which is very important. It mainly refers to the shining eyes and enthusiastic face of the Samoyed dog when it is alert or determined to do something. Its expression consists of eyes, ears and mouth. When alert, the ears stand upright and the mouth slightly bends toward the corners of the mouth, forming a "Satsuma smile". [Torno] (a) Neck: Strong and muscular, held proudly, supporting the noble head on sloping shoulders when standing at attention. The neck joins the shoulders to create a graceful arch. (b) Chest: The chest is deep, and the ribs expand outward from the spine and become flat on both sides, which does not affect the movement of the shoulders and allows free movement of the forelimbs. It can't be barrel chest. The ideal depth should be up to the elbow, with the deepest part behind the forelegs, about the ninth rib. The heart and lungs in the chest can be protected by the body, and the chest is deeper than wide. (c) Waist and back: The withers are the highest point of the back, and the loin is strong and slightly arched. The back is straight from withers to loin, of medium length, neither too long nor too short at the joint. The proportions of its body are "nearly square", meaning that its length is approximately 5% greater than its height. Females may be slightly longer than males. The abdominal muscles are tight and in good shape, forming a graceful curve with the back chest (abdominal tightening). The croup is slightly sloping, full and must extend very slightly to the base of the tail. [Tail] The tail is of moderate length. If the tail is drooping, the length of the tailbone should extend to the hock. The tail is covered with long hair, which is rolled over the back or to one side when alert, and sometimes lowered when resting. The position should not be too high or too low, and should be flexible and loose. It cannot be rolled tightly at the back, and it is a fault to roll it twice. When judging, the referee must see Satsuma curl his tail once over his back. [Temperament] Intelligent, elegant, loyal, adaptable, alert, active, keen on service, friendly but reserved. Don't be hesitant or timid, and don't be overly aggressive. Unreasonable aggression will be severely punished. [Disqualification] Colors other than white, cheese, light brown, or white with light brown. blue eyes. General Appearance The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog with brisk steps and graceful movements. The body is compact, has a thick coat, erect ears, and a brush-like tail, showing the genetic characteristics of the northern region. The gait is characteristic: smooth and effortless. His earliest role was to pull a cart, and he is still very good at this job, and can travel considerable distances at moderate speeds while towing a light load. His body proportions and shape reflect a fundamental balance of strength, speed and endurance. The male is muscular, but not rough in outline; the female is full of feminine beauty, but not weak. Under normal conditions, a Siberian Husky with strong, well-developed muscles cannot tow heavy objects. Size, Proportion, Appearance Height: Males, 21 to 23 inches at the withers; females, 20 to 22 inches. Weight: Males, 45-60 pounds; females, 35-50 pounds. Weight should be coordinated with height. The above data represents the height and weight limit values, and anything beyond this cannot be given priority. A frame that is too big or too heavy will affect your performance. Viewed from the side, the length from the point of the withers to the lowest point of the croup is slightly greater than the height from the ground to the top of the withers. Unqualified: Over 23 inches for males and 22 inches for females. Head Expression firm, but friendly; curious, even mischievous. The eyes are almond-shaped, moderately set apart and slightly slanted. Eyes can be brown or blue; two different colors, or two colors in each eye, are not acceptable. Faults: Eyes too slanted; too close together. Ears of medium size, triangular, set close together and set high on the head. The ears are thick and covered with thick hair. The back is slightly arched and erect powerfully. The tips are slightly rounded and point straight upward. Faults: The ears and head are out of proportion and appear too large; too far apart; not erect enough. The skull is of medium size and in good proportion to the body; slightly rounded at the top and tapering from the widest point to the eyes. Faults: Clumsy or heavy head; head too sharply defined. Stop (concave point on the face) - The stop is very obvious, and the bridge of the nose from the stop to the end is straight. Defect: The stop is not obvious. The muzzle is of medium length, the length from the end of the nose to the stop being equal to the length from the stop to the occipital bone. The muzzle is of medium width, tapering to a point that is neither pointed nor square at the end. Faults: Muzzle is too thin or too thick; too short or too long. Nose: The nose of gray, tan or black dogs is black; the nose of bronze dogs is liver color; pure white dogs may have brightly colored noses. A pink striped "snow nose" is also acceptable. Lips are evenly pigmented and tightly closed. Teeth scissor bite.

Faults: Non-scissor bite. Neck, Topline, Body Neck: Moderately long, arched, carried upright when the dog stands. When trotting, the neck is extended and the head is slightly forward. Faults: Neck too short, too thick; too long. Chest: Deep, strong, but not too broad, with the deepest point just behind and level with the elbows. The ribs are well spread outward from the spine but are flattened laterally to allow for free movement. Faults: Chest too broad; "barrel ribs"; ribs too flat or weak. Back: The back is straight and strong, with a straight topline from withers to croup. Medium length, not rounded or flabby due to excessive body length. The waist is tight, sloping, narrower than the ribcage, and slightly tucked in. The hips slide down from the spine at a certain angle, but the angle should not be too steep, so as not to affect the kicking force of the hind legs. Faults: Loose, weak back; arched back; sloping topline. Tail The tail is very hairy, like a fox's tail, just below the topline. When the dog is standing upright, the tail is usually carried on the back in a graceful sickle-shaped curve. The tail is carried neither curled to either side of the body nor flat on the back. Normally, dogs will wag their tails in response. The fur on the tail is of medium length, and the length of the fur on the top, sides and bottom is basically the same, so it looks like a round fox tail. Faults: Tail carried flat or tightly rolled; set too high or too low at base. Forebody Shoulders: Shoulder blades drawn back. From the shoulder point to the elbow, the upper arm has a slight backward angle and is not perpendicular to the ground. The muscles and ligaments between the shoulders and ribcage are well developed. Faults: Straight shoulders; loose shoulders. Forelegs: Viewed from the front when standing, the legs are moderately spaced, parallel, straight, with elbows close to the body and neither turned in nor out. Viewed from the side, the bony joints have a certain tilt angle, making them strong and flexible. The bones are strong and strong, but not heavy. The distance between the legs from the elbow to the ground is slightly greater than the length from the elbow to the top of the withers. The upper claws of the front legs can be removed. Tilting: Weak joints; bones too bulky; legs too wide or too narrow when viewed from the front; elbows turned out. Feet oval, not long. The paws are medium in size, close together, and have rich hair between the toes and pads. The pads are tight and thick. When the dog is standing naturally, the feet should not be turned outward or inward. Faults: Splayed feet, or weak toes; too large, clumsy claws; too small, slender claws; toes turned in or out. Hind Body Viewed from behind when standing, the hind legs are moderately spaced and parallel. The upper thighs are well muscled and powerful, the knees are fully bent, the ankles are well defined and set low to the ground. If there are upper claws, they can be removed. Faults: Straight stifles, cow-hocks, too narrow or too wide behind. Coat The coat of the Siberian Husky is double-layered and of medium length. It looks very dense, but should not be too long to obscure the clear outline of the dog. The undercoat is soft, dense, and long enough to support the outer coat. The coarse outer coat of hair is straight, smooth and lying, not rough or erect. It should be noted that it is normal to have no undercoat during the moulting period. Beards and the hair between the toes and around the feet can be trimmed for a neater appearance. Trimming other areas of hair is not allowed and is severely punished. Faults: The coat is long, rough, matted and fluffy; the texture is too rough or too silky; the coat is trimmed in areas other than those permitted above. Color All colors from black to pure white are accepted. Some other color spots on the head are common, including many patterns not found in other breeds. Gait The standard gait of the Siberian Husky is smooth, smooth and seemingly effortless. The pace should be quick and light, not too tight on the playing field, and should run at a moderate pace, showing good extension of the forelimbs and strong driving force of the hind limbs. Looking from front to back when traveling, the Siberian Husky does not move in one direction. As the speed increases, the legs gradually extend forward until all the toes fall on the longitudinal center axis of the body. When the footprints are concentrated on a line, the front legs and hind legs are stretched out straight forward, and the elbows and knees cannot turn outward or inward. Each hind leg follows the path of the front leg on the same side. When the dog walks, the topline remains tight and level. Faults: Short, jumping or undulating gait; clumsy or rolling gait; crossing or crabbing gait. Temperament The typical temperament of the Siberian Husky is friendly, gentle, alert and social. He will not display the strong territorial possessiveness of a guard dog, will not be overly suspicious of strangers, and will not attack other dogs. Adult dogs should possess a certain level of caution and dignity. This breed is intelligent, docile, and enthusiastic, making a suitable companion and loyal worker. Summary The most important characteristics of the Siberian Husky are medium size, moderate bone, balanced proportions, freedom of movement, characteristic coat, cute head and ears, correct tail, and good temperament. Penalties may be given if the appearance of the bones is too exaggerated or if the dog is overweight, if the gait is awkward or awkward, if the coat is long and rough. The Siberian Husky must not be overweight and rough-looking, resembling a hard worker; or be underweight and slender, resembling a racing dog. Both male and female, Siberian Huskies exhibit great endurance. Although not explicitly stated here, in addition to those mentioned above, some obvious structural defects that apply to all breeds also apply to the Siberian Husky. Unqualified: Male dogs are taller than 23 inches and female dogs are taller than 22 inches.

The breed name comes from the Chuqik people (a nomadic tribe in Siberia) who were the first to breed Huskies. Origin: Originated in northeastern Siberia three thousand years ago. Names Siberian Husky, Arctic Husky. Size Medium-sized dog. Height: 51-60cm, weight: 16-27kg. 〈Male and female are still distinguished〉 Fur The coat is medium-long. The coat is divided into two layers: the outer layer is straight hair, which sticks to the body; the inner layer is soft hair, which is quite thick. Coat color: Various coat colors (black and white, coffee white, brown and white, etc.), as well as pure white. Beauty: No body odor, but bathing is not required. Hair is easily tangled and needs to be combed frequently. Character Personality Lively, mischievous, outgoing, and loves to wander. Temperament: Quiet and docile, seldom barks, but occasionally howls. High alertness. Sociability is friendly and loyal to people (to humans). Regardless of good or bad people, it is quite easy to get along with humans. Not suitable for guard dogs. But it can be a good partner for chatting and expressing your inner world. Life span is about 11-13 years. At the turn of spring and summer every year, it is a normal period for dogs to moult. Huskies are no exception, molting lasts approximately 4 weeks. During the moulting period, Huskies often have only one layer of coat and their food intake decreases (it depends on the specific situation of the dog). As owners, what we have to do is to help them get through this period. It is recommended that you use a comb to comb their fur every day as much as possible. This can help them clean up the dead hair that has been replaced, and at the same time prevent the dead hair from clogging the pores and affecting the growth of new hair. A Husky that is groomed regularly will grow healthy and beautiful coat! The dead hair after combing should be collected in garbage bags or burned in time to prevent the bacteria on it from contaminating the environment. During this period, vitamin-based foods (vegetables, fruits, fiber, etc.) should be fed appropriately. Maintain normal exercise. It is recommended to bathe once a month (for adult dogs). Bathe with a mild professional pet shampoo and blow dry! Keep the skin dry (spring is also the season when mites are most likely to occur. Humid and cold environments often lead to the disease). After we have done the above things for Haha, it is not difficult to find that they will successfully pass the moulting period and grow beautiful hair! Here is the skeletal structure diagram of the Husky. It is very interesting to take a look: /bbs/post/view/113_2164112_1_1_1_30.html Here is the Husky Forum, dedicated to introducing all aspects of the Husky: /bbs/post/page/113_1__30__.html Answered by: LouisFoo - Senior Magician Level 6 4-18 11:00 Husky Breeding Rules Husky Hair Quality Analysis Siberian Huskies are famous for their tenacity. In cold Siberia they need to adapt to the huge temperature difference of tens of degrees between day and night. One A qualified Husky must have a unique coat to withstand the harsh environment. The Husky's coat has two layers, outer hair and down. The outer hair is divided into two sections. You can usually see the top is dark and shiny, and the bottom is thick. And relatively light color. The shiny hair on the top is called "SILVER TIPS" (silver tips), which is used to resist ultraviolet light and the heat emitted by the hot sun. The thick hair roots grow tightly in the skin, so generally speaking, Huskies The outer hair of a Husky is relatively less likely to shed. Generally speaking, the ratio of Husky’s inner hair (down) to outer hair is 8 (inner hair): 1 (outer hair). These rich inner hairs secrete a kind of oil for waterproofing. , it is also because of this oil that it creates a very scientific insulation layer (INSULATION), which can reduce the heat and cold of the outside world. It is precisely because of this protective clothing that the Huskies can adapt to various climates and try their best to Keep the Husky living in a dry environment. Use a hairdryer to dry it as much as possible after bathing. The coat and skin are simply too important for the Husky. If a lot of hair loss occurs due to skin diseases, the Husky will endure the pain of the heat. In serious cases, direct ultraviolet rays can even cause skin cancer. With your careful care, Huskies can become the healthiest, most docile and beautiful babies as domestic pets, whether in Guangdong or Northeast China. The gastrointestinal function of Huskies Huskies have unique gastrointestinal functions and have relatively high requirements for protein and fat. Therefore, it is recommended to feed puppy food until they are 18 months old before switching to adult dog food. You can usually add some fish or beef and mutton appropriately. Supplementation promotes development and the requirements for calcium are relatively high. Calcium tablets or calcium powder several times a week are very necessary for Huskies. As for the brand of dog food, since the gastrointestinal functions of Huskies vary greatly, it is best to depend on the dog. , try to find some high-quality dog ??food with high protein and fat content. If there are no conditions, you can add some chicken, mutton, beef, pork or sea fish to the dog food to supplement some protein.

Husky’s amount of exercise: Huskies compete in speed rather than strength in sled racing, so the most important thing in daily physical training is speed. Running and jogging several times a day is very necessary for show dogs. In the entire exercise During the process, stretching the front and rear limbs as much as possible will be of great help to the Husky's body. It is recommended that the pet dog should exercise once or twice a day, about half an hour each time. The show dog should exercise more than three times a day, 20 to 30 minutes each time. Minutes are better. ======================================

Reference Information: /showthread.asp?threadid=165358 Respondent: careybaby - Advanced Magician Level 7 4-18 12:25 The breeding environment has strong adaptability to the environment. The breeding location is not restricted. Due to the amazing mobility of Huskies, it is best for owners to have a large open space for activities, and need people to accompany them and exercise regularly every day. IQ Intelligence is high (ranked 45th in the world in dog breed IQ). Learning ability: High learning ability and extremely high ability to solve difficult problems. Obedience: Low obedience, quite assertive. Purpose: In the early days, it was mainly used as a working dog. Responsible for carrying loads and pulling sleds, the Chuchik also used them to look after livestock and assist in hunting. Nowadays, they are still used as working dogs in their original area; elsewhere they are mostly used as companion dogs. AKC dog breed was recognized by the American AKC in 1930 as a working dog breed. Characteristic eyes: Almond eyes. There are blue, brown and yin and yang eyes (one blue and one brown), with sharp and friendly eyes. Eye rims: Puppies have dark eye rims (the same color as their coat), which will disappear automatically as adults. Ears: Located on the top of the head, the two ears are close to each other, triangular in shape, upright and thick, with thick hair both inside and outside. Neck: Medium length, straight, expressing an air of dignity. Back: Straight and strong. Coat color: The hair is thick, medium-long, with various colors and markings. Appearance: Medium build, delicate appearance, not rough, and stamina. Head: Well-defined, with obvious forehead marks and tapered lips. Markings: There are fire side and non-fire side. Mouth: The teeth are scissor-shaped when biting. Tail: Covered with thick hair, located below the topline, hanging naturally when nothing happens, curled over the back when alert, and also curled above when running. Weight: male dog: 20-27kg; female dog: 16-22kg. Forefoot: moderately separated, parallel, upright, with strong joints and negative elasticity. Forefoot length is exactly shoulder length. Body: The back is straight, protruding from the psoas muscles, and the chest is broad. Length: The sum of the length of the forefoot and the shoulder. Height: Male dogs: 53-60cm; female dogs: 51-56cm. Hindfeet: Moderately set apart and parallel, well muscled and powerful. Walking: brisk, natural and smooth, effortless. Care skills. Exercise time. Do not take the dog outdoors for walks in broad daylight. Use it more in the morning, dusk and night. Climate issues: Avoid excessive sun exposure, which can damage your Husky’s hair. In addition, in hot and rainy conditions, Huskies are prone to skin and parasite problems, so you need to pay more attention. The kennel should be placed indoors as much as possible. If the kennel needs to be kept outside, a well-ventilated place should be chosen to make the kennel, and there should be various places around to escape the heat. Plenty of drinking water should be placed to help the dog dissipate heat. Dog Training Methods Educational Methods Huskies are very assertive due to the harsh environment they live in and in order to save their lives. Dog owners should show a strong side to suppress the dog's boss personality to prevent the dog from disobeying the owner's orders. Educational skills The duration of each education session should not be too long, only about ten to fifteen minutes, to prevent the dog from getting bored and not obeying instructions. Try not to repeat the same password multiple times. Since Huskies are working dogs, it is best to make them think it is work during the education process, so that it is easier to make them obey orders. Daily life training needs to start from an early age, and attention should be paid not to relax. It will be more difficult to discipline the dog after it becomes an adult. Huskies are good at digging, burying things, biting furniture, etc. To avoid this situation, it is best to take them out for more exercise to consume energy (the effect is not very effective), or buy some chewing toys for your dog to relieve themselves. Stress and distraction tool. Dogs howl because their lives are less fulfilling. If you can find more things for them to do, this can be avoided. Huskies are very powerful and can drag up to 180 kilograms by themselves. They are outgoing and lively. They are like crazy dogs when they go out. They easily get lost. If you don’t want your dog to become a stray dog, please tie it with a strong shoulder strap when going out; It would be nice if a chip could be implanted into it so that it can be found even if it gets lost. Huskies are very curious and are dangerous to other small animals, especially cats. If you have other small animals at home, you need to be more careful.