Men's lives are replaced by officials.
Because officials and Japanese officials have different yin and yang attributes, they are one yin and one yang; A person's life is represented by favoring an official (killing), because favoring an official and doing things in the sun have the same yin and yang attributes. XiShen is strong in the eight characters, which indicates that her daughter will have great skills and develop well in the future, which will help her a lot. In the eight characters, the fate of the man is biased towards the official star, indicating that his son will have great ability and development in the future, which will be of great help to the Lord. If the daughter actress is a god who likes to use gods, but she is weak, or she is strong and prosperous, but she will be caught in the trip in the future, which means that although the child is filial in the future, she can't help the Lord because of her poor ability and conditions. Daughters and actresses are jealous and powerful. Even if their children are capable, it is difficult for them to enjoy happiness, or their children are unfilial or bound by their children.
The female life represents her son with the injured officer.
Because the wounded officer and the Japanese dry have different yin and yang attributes, they are one yin and one yang; The god of food represents the daughter, because the god of food and the sun stem have the same yin and yang attributes. The rest are in line with the above male life.
Time is the children's house.
As a child's house, time is generally very taboo to restrain the appearance of the ten gods of daughters and actresses. For example, when a man sees a star in his life and a woman sees a positive bias, it is easy to worry about hurting her children. If this power is strong in time, it will seriously lead to no offspring, disability, physical weakness, inability and so on. As for whether it is Kerr or Kefu, a clever reader can completely judge according to the ten gods and yin and yang attributes.
Not only is it the nemesis to see the actress in time, but in the eight characters, people with many stars and many women are suspected of being unfavorable to their children. The right time, the right place and the support for a year, most of the children are unfilial.
Information sign for beating grandma's child
When a woman lives as a owl, India will kill children, with more abortions, dystocia and children dying.
A woman's life is prosperous, and when she meets a blade or an owl, she will have dystocia and have an operation.
When one day is punished, women order Kekezi.
When the sun collides with time, middle-aged and elderly people can resist.
When you are confinement, you are in the prime of life, and if you have children, you will be disabled.
When I was born, my father had a lawsuit.
A woman takes a bath when she is born, and the first child is difficult to raise.
The right time, the right place and the right people, middle-aged people are worried about losing their children in their later years and giving away brunettes for nothing.
Take the injured police officer and that man away.
If you do, you will kill Wang out of control. Your children are unfilial and rebellious.
A man's life hurts, but his children can't become a climate.
There are many women's lives, and it is difficult for children to develop greatly.
Play the information card that children are promising.
Men's life, when they work for wealth, officials and financial officials get angry, or they prosper, so will their children.
Women live to work for money and food, and hurting officials, being angry or arrogant will make children prosper.
A man's life takes the official killing as his son, the killing as his son, and the official as a woman. The female life takes food injury as the son, the injured official as the son, and the god of food as the woman.
Male life without official killing can be regarded as food injury, while female life without food injury can be regarded as official killing. See if the child is promising, both the actress and the palace should look at it.
Daughter or actress has a successful career but has control; Daughter or actress is weak but helpful; Actresses or times are too busy but exhausting; Daughters and actresses are sometimes extremely prosperous, and the bureau is full of life and help. These four situations are promising for their children.
In a word, it is extremely necessary for parents to establish the concept of raising their children and actively educate them. Your children will certainly have great prospects. I wish your children intelligence, health and academic success.